U.S. Waterproofing | Emergency Sump Pumps in Chicago Save Basements…

Emer­gency Sump Pumps in Chica­go Save Base­ments from Sum­mer Storms

Jul 24, 2015 • By Matthew Stock.

Sump Pump And Battery Backup

Every­body every­where talks about the weath­er on a reg­u­lar basis but, for those who live in Chica­go, the weath­er is more than a top­ic of conversation.

Here in the City of Broad Shoul­ders weath­er impacts our way of life, no mat­ter what the sea­son. Win­ter? Heavy snow, frigid tem­per­a­tures and howl­ing winds. Spring and fall? What are they? Sum­mer? Heat, humid­i­ty and thun­der­storms. Lots of thunderstorms.

When those sum­mer thun­der­storms strike it’s not uncom­mon for sev­er­al inch­es of rain to fall in a very short time and for Chicago’s anti­quat­ed pow­er grid to fail, leav­ing home­own­ers wet and in the dark.

Of course, heavy rain and no pow­er can be a dead­ly com­bi­na­tion for Chica­go base­ments when sump pumps stop work­ing just when they’re need­ed the most. That’s when an emer­gency sump pump, also known as a back­up, can save a basement.

Emer­gency Sump Pumps – a Chica­go Necessity

pri­ma­ry sump pump has been described as the heart of a base­ment water­proof­ing sys­tem and it’s an apt anal­o­gy even if it serves a dif­fer­ent pur­pose than the body’s main pump.

When heavy rains sat­u­rate soil out­side a home’s foun­da­tion, the water that would oth­er­wise seep into the base­ment is instead col­lect­ed by drain tile, either inte­ri­or or exte­ri­or, and chan­neled to a sump basin. The sump pump then pumps it to a dis­charge line, pre­vent­ing it from flood­ing the base­ment floor.

When a pow­er fail­ure caus­es the sump pump to stop oper­at­ing, the sump basin quick­ly floods and water flows all over the base­ment floor. Pre­vent­ing this is the job of an emer­gency sump pump.

There are three basic types of emer­gency sump pump, all designed to step in when the pri­ma­ry pump fails. A bat­tery-only back­up sump pump is great for pow­er fail­ures, mak­ing use of a pow­er­ful, long-last­ing bat­tery to keep the emer­gency pump run­ning. An AC/DC back­up sump pump will not only pro­vide assis­tance dur­ing pow­er fail­ures but its abil­i­ty to run on house­hold cur­rent also enables it to step in when the pri­ma­ry pump suf­fers a mechan­i­cal prob­lem or failure.

The most ver­sa­tile and use­ful of the emer­gency sump pumps is the dual-pow­er, dual-pump ver­sion. Installed in place of a pri­ma­ry pump, this ver­sion relies on house­hold cur­rent to oper­ate both pumps alter­nate­ly on a reg­u­lar basis, with one step­ping in if the oth­er has a mechan­i­cal fail­ure. A bat­tery back­up sys­tem enables the pump to keep run­ning through a pow­er failure.

In the absence of an emer­gency sump pump, a Chica­go home­own­er is tak­ing a sub­stan­tial risk of water dam­age to the base­ment, par­tic­u­lar­ly if it is fin­ished. Even in the best of cir­cum­stances, heavy sum­mer thun­der­storms increase the like­li­hood of base­ment seep­age because the pri­ma­ry sump pump can be over­whelmed by the vol­ume. Throw in the fair­ly com­mon pow­er fail­ures and it becomes a dis­as­ter when the rain forces water into the base­ment and there’s no way of pump­ing it out until pow­er is restored.

A com­pe­tent base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor can rec­om­mend and install an emer­gency sump pump that will keep Chica­go base­ments dry dur­ing even the most severe of sum­mer thun­der­storms. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we offer our cus­tomers the pow­er­ful and effec­tive BOSS line of emer­gency sump pumps that includes a BOSS 2100 bat­tery back­up sump pump, BOSS 3000 dual pow­er back­up sump pump and the BOSS 3000 Deluxe, a dual-pow­er, dual-pump sys­tem. Why not ask for our free advice on keep­ing your base­ment dry this summer?

If you’d like to know more about emer­gency sump pumps, please post your ques­tions in the Com­ments box below.

Tags: emergency sump pumps, emergency sump pumps chicago

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