U.S. Waterproofing | How to Straighten a Bowed Foundation Wall

How to Straight­en a Bowed Foun­da­tion Wall

Jul 19, 2015 • By Matthew Stock.

How to Repair a Bowed Concrete Block Basement Wall

There are two main types of mod­ern res­i­den­tial foun­da­tions – poured con­crete and mason­ry. Both are strong and reli­able but either can be sub­ject to move­ment and dam­age caused by pres­sures in the soil out­side them.

When exte­ri­or pres­sures exert force on a poured con­crete wall, the most com­mon result is crack­ing. When the dam­age is minor, the cracks occur at ran­dom spots in the wall and can be repaired by inject­ing them with expand­ing polyurethane. Major dam­age is indi­cat­ed by severe crack­ing along the sides and across the upper cor­ners and the wall must be sta­bi­lized to repair it.

When a mason­ry wall, most com­mon­ly con­crete block, is pushed inward by exte­ri­or pres­sures, the dam­age is usu­al­ly seen by a bow­ing at or near the cen­ter of the wall. The bow­ing is usu­al­ly accom­pa­nied by crack­ing of the mor­tar joints between blocks and, in seri­ous cas­es, the blocks may shift out of the ver­ti­cal plane of the wall.

Straight­en­ing a bowed foun­da­tion wall is not always pos­si­ble so sta­bi­liz­ing it is the more com­mon approach. Some­times the tra­di­tion­al straight­en­ing process can be used in con­junc­tion with mod­ern sta­bi­liza­tion methods.

Repair­ing a Bowed Foun­da­tion Wall

The tra­di­tion­al approach to straight­en­ing a bowed foun­da­tion wall is to install one or more wall anchors in the dam­aged area. This process begins by bury­ing a large steel plate ver­ti­cal­ly in the ground in undis­turbed soil out­side the foundation. 

Then, a hole is drilled through the foun­da­tion wall, a long thread­ed steel rod is passed through a small­er steel plate and then through the hole.

The rod is then thread­ed through a hole in the buried plate out­side and is tight­ened from the inte­ri­or, using the resis­tance of the out­side plate to begin pulling the wall back to plumb.

This approach can work but requires reg­u­lar main­te­nance and tight­en­ing by the home­own­er after instal­la­tion and its suc­cess can depend on the sta­bil­i­ty of the soil out­side the foundation.

For those rea­sons, it is often prefer­able to sta­bi­lize a bowed wall by using either steel or car­bon fiber to lock it in place and pre­vent fur­ther movement.

If the bow­ing wall is detect­ed ear­ly, before move­ment has exceed­ed two inch­es out of plumb, car­bon fiber is the rec­om­mend­ed repair method. 

When the dam­age is more severe and the wall has bowed more than two inch­es out of plumb, chan­nel steel is the pre­ferred method of sta­bi­liz­ing the wall.

For car­bon fiber repairs, engi­neer­ing data is used to cal­cu­late the num­ber and place­ment of strips. The wall is ground smooth at each loca­tion and a 12-inch wide car­bon fiber strip is applied to the wall with indus­tri­al-strength epoxy and rolled under pres­sure to ensure a strong bond.

The lat­er­al strength of the car­bon fiber strips holds the wall in place and sta­bi­lizes it against any fur­ther bowing.

When greater move­ment has occurred, steel chan­nel is used to sta­bi­lize the wall. The low-pro­file steel pieces are anchored to the foun­da­tion foot­ing at the bot­tom and the top is bolt­ed to a brack­et mount­ed between floor joists. A jack screw device is used to tight­en the top and bring the steel chan­nel in con­tact with the wall along its entire length to pro­vide com­plete stability.

Ascer­tain­ing which method of repair is best for a par­tic­u­lar sit­u­a­tion is the job of an expe­ri­enced foun­da­tion repair con­trac­tor. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, our foun­da­tion repair experts use the lat­est tech­niques and rel­e­vant engi­neer­ing data to repair bowed, cracked, dropped and sunken foun­da­tion walls for home­own­ers all over Chicagoland and north­west Indi­ana. Why not ask for our free advice?

If you’d like to know more about how to straight­en a bowed foun­da­tion wall, please post your ques­tions in the Com­ments box below.

Tags: straighten bowed foundation wall, straighten bowed basement wall, repair bowed foundation wall

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