U.S. Waterproofing | U.S. Waterproofing announces the retirement of…

U.S. Waterproofing announces the retirement of Diane Shachter

Diane and her father Al
Diane and her father Al

Best wish­es to Diane and Howard Shachter for many years of good health and hap­pi­ness in your retire­ment together. 

Diane over­saw the company’s finan­cial, insur­ance and human resource mat­ters. Her hus­band Howard, who retired a few years ear­li­er, was in charge of infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy. As part­ners, they played key roles in the growth and suc­cess of the company.

U.S. Water­proof­ing was found­ed in 1957 by Diane’s father, Al Wein­er. When Lor­raine Weiner’s sis­ter Har­ri­et mar­ried Hyman Stock, the fam­i­ly busi­ness expand­ed to include all three of Al Weiner’s broth­er-in-laws as part­ners. The busi­ness will con­tin­ue to be oper­at­ed by Hyman’s son Jer­ry Stock and his grand­son Matthew Stock. 

Diane’s moth­er wrote the fol­low­ing won­der­ful note, and we would like to share her sentiments:

Diane Shachter is retir­ing at the end of the year as a part­ner in U.S. Water­proof­ing Com­pa­ny. Diane is the daugh­ter of the orig­i­nal own­er of U.S. Water­proof­ing, Albert Wein­er. At the time of his retire­ment, she was asked if she would like to take his place. Being a C.P.A., she fig­ured an accountant’s hours at tax time would be pro­hib­i­tive to car­ing for her two chil­dren, so she accept­ed the chal­lenge know­ing how her father loved the busi­ness. Lit­tle did she know what the busi­ness entailed (espe­cial­ly for a woman around 30 years ago in a man’s world) and would not be a snap! As cousin Jer­ry Stock and cousin Matt Stock will be car­ing for U.S. Water­proof­ing — a fam­i­ly owned busi­ness for 55 years that has ser­viced many homes.

Good luck, Diane, may your retire­ment be filled with lots of bridge play­ing and fun along with hus­band Howard, also a for­mer partner.
The busi­ness, besides Al Wein­er, was owned by three broth­ers-in-law (Hyman Stock, Sam Siegel and Yale Kaplan) for years!

To view the hand­writ­ten let­ter click here.

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