U.S. Waterproofing | Why a Sump Pump Installation Should Not Be Done…

Why a Sump Pump Instal­la­tion Should Not Be Done By a Homeowner

Jan 31, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

When a home­own­er walks into their base­ment and dis­cov­ers WATER EVERY­WHERE, one of the first thoughts that come to mind is that the sump pump failed. They auto­mat­i­cal­ly assume that either the pow­er went out or the pump was on its last leg.

Let’s assume for now there was no pow­er fail­ure (you would need a back up sump pump for that). And let’s also assume the sump pump is rel­a­tive­ly new (most good ones last 5 to 10 years plus). What else could it be?

Here’s a lit­tle secret – it could have been that sump pump from the hard­ware store. Yep, the one that came with a life­time war­ran­ty! What makes me say that? Let’s just say I’ve seen this sto­ry unfold more than a few times over the thou­sands of homes I’ve evaluated. 

Most sump pumps you find at home improve­ment cen­ters are not built to last. 

To make mat­ters worse, if it was bought at the Big Box store, it was prob­a­bly installed by an inex­pe­ri­enced handy­man or the pre­vi­ous home­own­er. Sump pump instal­la­tions are best left for the pros to handle. 

Pro­fes­sion­al plumbers and water­proofers rou­tine­ly per­form sump pump instal­la­tions. They pre­fer high per­for­mance cast iron pumps for longevi­ty and reli­a­bil­i­ty. These indus­tri­al grade pumps are not often found at retail outlets. 

The savvi­er home­own­er can choose to obtain a high­er qual­i­ty pump from a plumb­ing sup­ply dis­trib­u­tor, but can he install it as effi­cient­ly as an expe­ri­enced pro­fes­sion­al? You may not want to take the Pep­si Chal­lenge on this one! Fail­ure to prop­er­ly install the pump can lead to a flood­ed base­ment just as eas­i­ly as the wrong pump.

But the store clerk said the one I bought came with a Life­time War­ran­ty”. Yes it did. How is that war­ran­ty work­ing for you now? What the store clerk should have told you is that, sure, if you save your receipt, and do prop­er main­te­nance, we will replace the sump when it fails you dur­ing the next storm.” In the mean­time, you are pay­ing thou­sands of dol­lars to remove wet car­pet and dam­aged dry­wall / pan­el­ing. Your irre­place­able keep­sakes are ruined. And now you have to be con­cerned with the dread­ed M word — MOLD.

So, what is the best sump pump to install? It depends. That is why you need a pro­fes­sion­al to come out and eval­u­ate your unique sit­u­a­tion. A pro­fes­sion­al will use fac­tors such as size of the sump pit, pump­ing capac­i­ty require­ments and a prop­er loca­tion for dis­charge of the water. A base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny (like yours tru­ly!) can take that one step fur­ther. We can pro­vide you with water man­age­ment advice to ensure your base­ment doesn’t leak in the first place — all from the com­fort of your own home. 

The sump pump is the heart and soul of your base­ment water­proof­ing sys­tem. Save your gas mon­ey, and don’t dri­ve to the store. Con­tact U.S. Water­proof­ing for a free eval­u­a­tion of your sump pump needs — before it’s too late.

Tags: diy sump pump, backup sump systems, sump pumps, battery backup sump pumps, sump pump installation, diy basement waterproofing

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