U.S. Waterproofing | Protect Your Home This Spring with Basement…

Pro­tect Your Home This Spring with Base­ment Waterproofing

May 5, 2023 • By Matthew Stock.

Truck In Front Of Homes

Spring is a sea­son that brings plen­ty of joy and excite­ment to home­own­ers. The warmer weath­er and longer days mean that it’s time to get out­side and enjoy the great out­doors. How­ev­er, spring­time also brings with it a unique set of chal­lenges for home­own­ers, espe­cial­ly those with base­ments. As the rain falls, it’s essen­tial to take the nec­es­sary steps to pro­tect your base­ment from water damage.

How Spring Rains Can Dam­age My Basement

Spring is a time of year when there is a lot of rain caus­ing the ground to become eas­i­ly sat­u­rat­ed with water. This can put a lot of pres­sure on your base­ment walls which can cause foun­da­tion cracks and seep­age. When water gets into your base­ment, it can cause a range of prob­lems, including: 

  • Mold Growth — One of the most sig­nif­i­cant risks asso­ci­at­ed with a damp base­ment is mold growth. Mold thrives in damp, dark envi­ron­ments, mak­ing your base­ment an ide­al breed­ing ground. When mold spores are inhaled, they can cause a range of health prob­lems, includ­ing res­pi­ra­to­ry issues and aller­gic reactions. 
  • Musty Odors — If your base­ment is damp, it’s like­ly to devel­op musty odors. These odors can be unpleas­ant and can even per­me­ate the rest of your home. Musty odors can also be a sign of mold growth. 
  • Struc­tur­al Dam­age — When water seeps into your base­ment, it can cause sig­nif­i­cant dam­age to your home­’s struc­ture. Over time, water can weak­en your foun­da­tion walls and floors, mak­ing them more sus­cep­ti­ble to dam­age. This can lead to cost­ly repairs and even com­pro­mise the safe­ty of your home. 

Base­ment Water­proof­ing: What is it? 

Base­ment water­proof­ings goal is to pre­vent water from end­ing up on your base­ment floor. Water can seep into your base­ment through cracks in the foun­da­tion walls or floors. There are sev­er­al ways to water­proof your base­ment, including: 

  • Foun­da­tion Crack Repair – This involves fill­ing exist­ing foun­da­tion cracks that are active­ly seep­ing with an Epoxy / Ure­thane injec­tion process. 
  • Inte­ri­or Drain Tile — This involves installing a drainage sys­tem around the perime­ter of your home to redi­rect water away from your basement. 
  • Exte­ri­or Water­proof­ing – This involves exca­vat­ing around the foun­da­tion of your home and apply­ing a water­proof mem­brane to the exte­ri­or walls. 
  • Sump Pump Instal­la­tion: A sump pump is a device that pumps water out of your base­ment and away from your home. 
  • Win­dow Well Instal­la­tion: Win­dow well lin­ers, cov­ers and drains can help pre­vent water from enter­ing your base­ment through base­ment windows.

If you have a base­ment, it’s essen­tial to take the nec­es­sary steps to pro­tect it from water. By tak­ing the time to water­proof your base­ment prop­er­ly you can enjoy a dry, safe, and healthy home all year long! 

Since 1957, U.S Water­proof­ing has been com­mit­ted to unmatched cus­tomer ser­vice and get­ting the job done right the first time. We stand by our work and have over 500,000 sat­is­fied cus­tomers to our name. Sched­ule your free con­sul­ta­tion online today!

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