U.S. Waterproofing | How to Fix a Window Well that’s Filling with…

How to Fix a Win­dow Well that’s Fill­ing with Water

Apr 17, 2014 • By Matthew Stock.

Window Well

Hav­ing win­dows in the base­ment is great. They admit nat­ur­al light, can be opened to let in some often bad­ly need­ed fresh air and, prop­er­ly con­fig­ured, can serve as an emer­gency escape.

Of course, when there are win­dows in the base­ment, there have to be win­dow wells out­side unless, of course, the home­own­er enjoys a close-up view of dirt. A win­dow well pro­vides space for all that light and air and forms a rigid bar­ri­er to hold back soil.

On the down­side, a base­ment win­dow does cre­ate anoth­er open­ing in a foun­da­tion wall that can admit water into the base­ment. A prop­er­ly fit­ted and main­tained win­dow will keep out minor seep­age and is an essen­tial part of keep­ing the base­ment dry.

The win­dow well also plays a sig­nif­i­cant role. For all its virtues, a win­dow well is noth­ing but a big open­ing in the ground next to a foun­da­tion and, like any big open­ing in the ground has the poten­tial to fill with water dur­ing a heavy or sus­tained rain or snow melt.

When a win­dow well does fill with water, it puts the base­ment win­dow to the test by cre­at­ing pres­sure on the win­dow and by hold­ing water that seeks any small open­ing to alle­vi­ate that pres­sure by enter­ing the base­ment space.

So, what’s the best way to fix a win­dow well that’s fill­ing with water?

Fix­ing a Win­dow Well That’s Fill­ing with Water

Fix­ing (or pre­vent­ing) a win­dow well fill­ing with water is all about two com­po­nents of the win­dow well sys­tem – the drain and the cover.

Win­dow Well Drain – Every win­dow well should have a drain to allow water to exit the win­dow well and not build to a lev­el that cre­ates a base­ment seep­age prob­lem. Drains can be con­nect­ed to inte­ri­or or exte­ri­or drain tile or can be run to day­light where a prop­er slope exists. With a well-con­struct­ed and prop­er­ly main­tained drain, a win­dow well should nev­er fill with water.

Of course, some home builders will take short cuts with win­dow wells and install them with­out drains. More com­mon­ly, though, the drains are there but, because of lack of main­te­nance, they clog up.

So, one way to fix a win­dow well that is fill­ing with water is to find and unclog the drain. Clean­ing debris from the open­ing to the drain is usu­al­ly a fair­ly easy task but, if the drain has become clogged below the sur­face it can be dif­fi­cult to unclog. The best way, of course to deal with a clogged win­dow well drain is to pre­vent it from clog­ging in the first place by installing a prop­er win­dow well cover.

Win­dow Well Cov­ers – The most impor­tant func­tion of a win­dow well cov­er is not keep­ing out water but keep­ing out the kind of debris – leaves, grass clip­pings, trash – that will clog the drain. Many home­own­ers make the under­stand­able mis­take of installing flim­sy plas­tic bub­ble” cov­ers from the hard­ware store think­ing that they will keep out water. While still intact these cov­ers cre­ate a sur­pris­ing­ly effi­cient green­house for weeds but are eas­i­ly cracked and bro­ken, ren­der­ing them useless.

A steel grid cov­er is bet­ter but can still admit a lot of debris.

The best win­dow well cov­er will be con­struct­ed of rein­forced poly­car­bon­ate and will be cus­tom-fit­ted to the win­dow well to ensure that it cov­ers it com­plete­ly. This type of cov­er, while inci­den­tal­ly pre­vent­ing most water from enter­ing, will do an excel­lent job of keep­ing out debris (and small ani­mals) and keep­ing the win­dow well drain open and working.

Of course, these win­dow well cov­ers aren’t avail­able from the big box store; the home­own­er will need the assis­tance of a base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor with expe­ri­ence in fab­ri­cat­ing and installing poly­car­bon­ate cov­ers. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we have installed cus­tom-fit­ted poly­car­bon­ate win­dow well cov­ers for thou­sands of the 300,000 hap­py home­own­ers we have served since our found­ing in 1957. Why not ask for our free advice on keep­ing your win­dow wells from fill­ing with water?

If you’d like to know more about win­dow wells, please post your ques­tions in the Com­ments box below.

Tags: window well filling with water, fix window well

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