U.S. Waterproofing | Better Basement AprilAire System

Bet­ter Base­ment Apri­lAire System

April Aire System humidity control

On a warm sum­mer day, it’s not the tem­per­a­ture that makes it so hot. It’s the mois­ture in the air, or humid­i­ty, which can be extreme and uncom­fort­able. Exces­sive humid­i­ty doesn’t just exist out­side. In fact, because base­ments are nat­u­ral­ly damp spaces, they can get extreme­ly humid. A base­ment dehu­mid­i­fi­ca­tion sys­tem like the Bet­ter Base­ment Apri­lAire® Sys­tem will take mois­ture out of the air, which reduces humid­i­ty and makes for more com­fort­able living.

Why is a base­ment dehu­mid­i­fi­er sys­tem important? 

Breath­ing clean, dry air is essen­tial to good health. A base­ment dehu­mid­i­fi­ca­tion unit is a pow­er­ful way to clean the air inside your house and remove many of the pol­lu­tants that exist in your home such as pollen, pet dan­der, and more. High humid­i­ty can also con­tribute to mold in your home. The EPA rec­om­mends that Rel­a­tive Humid­i­ty be less than 60% to reduce the growth of mold, which can grow when dry­wall and wood (com­mon in base­ments) are exposed to mois­ture. Once mold devel­ops in your base­ment, you are faced with health risks and the expense to remove it. With the Bet­ter Base­ment Apri­lAire® Sys­tem, the humid­i­ty is at a lev­el that helps sup­press the growth of mold. In addi­tion to its crit­i­cal health ben­e­fits, prop­er humid­i­ty con­trol will pre­serve the life of sen­si­tive elec­tron­ics, wiring, and many high-end appli­ances which can dam­age or cor­rode with too much humidity. 

Can you buy a base­ment dehu­mid­i­fi­er from a store? 

To treat your entire base­ment, it would take mul­ti­ple store-bought dehu­mid­i­fiers. Plus, the retail sys­tems need to be emp­tied reg­u­lar­ly — anoth­er house­hold chore you are look­ing to avoid — and often require main­te­nance. These units aren’t designed to dehu­mid­i­fy a large space like a base­ment; they are meant for extreme­ly small areas. With Apri­lAire® you cov­er the whole base­ment with one unit, while also sav­ing on your elec­tric bill. 

Why choose the Bet­ter Base­ment Apri­lAire® Sys­tem offered by U.S. Waterproofing? 

The Bet­ter Base­ment Apri­lAire® Sys­tem con­stant­ly mon­i­tors the mois­ture in the air to main­tain the humid­i­ty set­ting you select. Apri­lAire® is a trust­ed name and a reli­able brand so you are get­ting a best-in-class prod­uct from an indus­try leader. This solu­tion gives you a com­mer­cial strength dehu­mid­i­fi­er and air purifi­ca­tion sys­tem that removes up to 9 gal­lons of water dai­ly, pro­vides 3,000 square feet of cov­er­age, and oper­ates at 55 deci­bels (that’s qui­eter than a per­son-to-per­son con­ver­sa­tion). It is Ener­gy Star effi­cient, which means you save elec­tric­i­ty, and it comes with a five year bumper to bumper” parts war­ran­ty. A MERV 8 high-end wash­able air fil­ter traps dust mites, pollen, and oth­er con­t­a­m­i­nants. There is lit­er­al­ly no heavy lift­ing for the home­own­er, as U.S. Water­proof­ing deliv­ers and installs the sys­tem for you. We also explain the set­tings, so you get max­i­mum com­fort. When you’re ready to take a step to improve your home and health, you can sched­ule your free con­sul­ta­tion online today!.