U.S. Waterproofing | Gutter Cleaning

Gut­ter Cleaning

A gut­ter sys­tem is designed to col­lect rain­wa­ter and snowmelt from your roof and direct it away from the foun­da­tion. Gut­ters get clogged with leaves and debris, which can pre­vent water from flow­ing freely and cause them to over­flow. That excess water over­sat­u­rates the soil, which then expands. The expand­ing soil can lead to foun­da­tion wall cracks, struc­tur­al issues, and base­ment seep­age. Blocked gut­ters can also cause ice damming, where a ridge of ice forms at the edge of a roof and restricts melt­ing snow (water) from drain­ing off the roof. The backed up water can leak into a home, caus­ing dam­age to walls, ceil­ings, insu­la­tion, and oth­er areas. 

Can I clean my gut­ters myself? 

Yes, but it’s very dan­ger­ous. Clean­ing your gut­ters from the ground and with­out a lad­der is the safest solu­tion. When­ev­er you or some­one else uses a lad­der to clean a gut­ter, it’s a big risk. Hun­dreds of thou­sands of peo­ple are injured and more than 100 die from lad­der-relat­ed falls every year. Plus, walk­ing on your roof can also cause roof damage. 

How often should I clean my gutters? 

To best pro­tect your home from future prob­lems and expens­es, we rec­om­mend clean­ing your gut­ters every sea­son. The weath­er in and around Chicagoland is unpre­dictable, chang­ing, and severe all year round, so your gut­ters nev­er real­ly get a break. 

How does U.S. Water­proof­ing clean gutters? 

We are a pro­fes­sion­al gut­ter clean­ing ser­vice. Our process is unique to the indus­try, as it doesn’t require lad­ders. Instead, our tech­ni­cians clean your gut­ters from grade lev­el (the ground) using a high-pow­ered vac­u­um attached to an extend­able car­bon fiber pole. We use a spe­cial cam­era that allows us and the home­own­er to see the gut­ters before start­ing the job, as well as review the work when it’s com­plete. The result is an unclogged gut­ter that lets water prop­er­ly flow from the roof to des­ig­nat­ed areas, which helps pre­vent unwant­ed seepage. 

Why choose U.S. Water­proof­ing for gut­ter clean­ing and maintenance? 

As a pro­fes­sion­al gut­ter clean­ing ser­vice and one of the lead­ing home repair com­pa­nies, we give home­own­ers peace of mind know­ing their gut­ters are clean and func­tion­ing cor­rect­ly. Hun­dreds of thou­sands of home­own­ers have trust­ed us because of our unmatched cus­tomer ser­vice and because we get the job done right the first time. Sched­ule your free con­sul­ta­tion online today!