U.S. Waterproofing | BOSS Backup Sump Pumps Add Power, Features for…

BOSS Back­up Sump Pumps Add Pow­er, Fea­tures for Greater Performance

Aug 30, 2015 • By Matthew Stock.

Battery Backup Sump Pump: BOSS 3000 Deluxe Sump System

When it comes to back­up sump pumps, per­for­mance is every­thing. More horse­pow­er, for exam­ple, means more gal­lons per hour moved and stronger ver­ti­cal lift, both of which trans­late into a great­ly decreased risk of a wet base­ment when a pri­ma­ry sump pump fails.

Longer bat­tery life, too, con­tributes to per­for­mance by ensur­ing the back­up pump will run longer. This is par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant in the event of some­thing as seri­ous as a wide­spread pow­er fail­ure or as sim­ple as the home­own­er being away for the weekend.

There are lots of back­up sump pump sys­tems avail­able, both in retail stores and through base­ment water­proof­ing pro­fes­sion­als but the BOSS sys­tem has always been one of the best and now it has got­ten even bet­ter, adding pow­er and fea­tures to achieve even greater performance.

Let’s take a look.

New BOSS Back­up Sump Pumps Deliv­er Max­i­mum Performance

There are three top-per­form­ing back­up sump pumps in the BOSS line.

The BOSS 2100 sets the stan­dard for bat­tery-pow­ered back­up sump pump sys­tems. Pow­ered by a main­te­nance-free bat­tery, the BOSS 2100, true to its name, will move 2100 gal­lons of water per hour. This ensures a dry base­ment dur­ing even the worst of sum­mer thunderstorms.

For longer-last­ing pro­tec­tion, the BOSS 2100 can be installed with dual batteries.

The new BOSS 3100 back­up sump pump sys­tem rais­es the bar for the sump pump indus­try in pump­ing capac­i­ty, mov­ing 52 gal­lons of water per minute (3100 per hour) out of a base­ment at a 10-foot height. Bat­tery pow­er for the BOSS 3100 comes from either the stan­dard 80-amp bat­tery that will keep the base­ment dry through a 24-hour pow­er out­age, a 120-amp upgrade that will pow­er the pump for 36 hours or a dual-bat­tery sys­tem with two 120-amp bat­ter­ies for three days of protection!

Bat­tery sta­tus can be mon­i­tored through an easy-to-read dig­i­tal display.

Along with its pow­er­ful bat­tery, the BOSS 3100 also runs off house­hold cur­rent, ensur­ing a dry base­ment not only dur­ing pow­er fail­ures but in the event of a mechan­i­cal fail­ure of the pri­ma­ry sump pump. This dual pow­er source means that a home­own­er who installs a BOSS 3100 can count on its per­for­mance, even dur­ing extend­ed absences.

For the ulti­mate in pro­tec­tion, the BOSS 4000 Deluxe is the 600-lb. goril­la of back­up sump pump sys­tems. It moves an incred­i­ble 4000 gal­lons of water per hour and serves as a com­plete sump pump sys­tem for the home. Its dual pumps alter­nate in serv­ing as the pri­ma­ry sump pump pow­ered by house­hold cur­rent and switch to the dual 80-amp bat­ter­ies dur­ing a pow­er out­age. Should one of the two pumps expe­ri­ence mechan­i­cal fail­ure, the oth­er takes over, using the appro­pri­ate pow­er source as direct­ed by the BOSS 4000 Deluxe’s dig­i­tal pow­er supply.

The BOSS 4000 Deluxe is installed with an over­size (24 inch diam­e­ter) sump basin. This means that the pumps run less fre­quent­ly, sav­ing pow­er and wear-and-tear, while still mov­ing more water with each cycle.

Final­ly, the BOSS 4000 Deluxe fea­tures a high-water alarm that can be con­nect­ed to a home secu­ri­ty mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem, adding addi­tion­al pro­tec­tion for the basement.

The brief video below sums up how the BOSS line of back­up sump pump sys­tems will pro­tect your home.

At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we have installed thou­sands of sump pumps, both pri­ma­ry and back­up, in our 58 years of keep­ing base­ments dry around Chicagoland. As one of the country’s old­est and largest base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­nies, we have our pick of sys­tems to install and we chose the BOSS 2100, 3100 and 4000 Deluxe because we believe they’re the best. Why not let us show you why.

Want to know more about the BOSS line of back­up sump pumps? Please post your ques­tions in the Com­ments box below.

Tags: battery backup sump pump, backup sump pump installation chicago, backup sump pump chicago

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