U.S. Waterproofing | 10 Most Popular Articles about Basement…

10 Most Pop­u­lar Arti­cles about Base­ment Water­proof­ing Solutions

Sep 3, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

Today, my friends, Base­ment Mat­ters achieves a mile­stone – this is our 100th post! That’s 100 infor­ma­tive, edu­ca­tion­al arti­cles designed to make you a bet­ter, more edu­cat­ed con­sumer of base­ment water­proof­ing ser­vices, not just from my com­pa­ny but from any com­pa­ny anywhere.

I esti­mate that we have writ­ten 75,000 words about base­ment water­proof­ing since start­ing this blog at the begin­ning of 2012. That’s about the length of the aver­age nov­el and frankly, I’m amazed by how much we have had to say. And, guess what – we’re nowhere near done so look for­ward to lots more infor­ma­tion com­ing your way.

Right now, I thought it would be appro­pri­ate to look at the most pop­u­lar posts on this blog, the ten that most peo­ple have found help­ful. If you’re new here, don’t stop with these, though, there’s plen­ty more in our archives.

Top 10 Arti­cles on Base­ment Water­proof­ing Prob­lems and Solutions

How to Water­proof a Con­crete Block Foundation

A con­crete block or oth­er mason­ry foun­da­tion, com­mon in many parts of the coun­try, presents dif­fer­ent prob­lems and solu­tions when it comes to water seep­age. This should be of par­tic­u­lar inter­est to our friends in Mil­wau­kee and north­west Indiana.

What is Drain Tile 101 | How Drain Tile Works

Drain tile, whether installed inside or out­side your foun­da­tion, is one of the best base­ment water­proof­ing solu­tions. Learn what it can (and can’t) do to keep your base­ment dry and healthy.

What to Expect from a Base­ment Water­proof­ing Estimate

Most home­own­ers need the ser­vices of a base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny only once or twice in a life­time so they are gen­er­al­ly unfa­mil­iar with the process. This arti­cle will help you under­stand the waterproofer’s esti­mate and make sure you get the most for your money.

Com­mon Exte­ri­or Foun­da­tion Water­proof­ing Mem­brane Appli­ca­tions

Pos­i­tive side” water­proof­ing is a very effec­tive way to keep your base­ment dry. Learn about how water­proof­ing mem­branes, applied to the out­side of your foun­da­tion, work to keep ground water from seep­ing through.

Inte­ri­or Drain Tile vs. Exte­ri­or Drain Tile — Which Sys­tem is Better?

As I said, drain tile is a great thing and it does a ter­rif­ic job either inside or out­side your foun­da­tion. Read how to deter­mine which instal­la­tion is bet­ter for your home and the pros and cons of each.

Cracks in Base­ment Walls — Why a Foun­da­tion Cracks

Foun­da­tion cracks hap­pen for a rea­son, actu­al­ly sev­er­al rea­sons, some of which are pre­ventable. Learn why those cracks show up in your base­ment walls, which ones you can pre­vent and how they are best repaired for a per­ma­nent­ly dry basement.

Hir­ing a Base­ment Water­proof­ing Com­pa­ny — Top 5 Things to Consider

There are lots of base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­nies around so how do you choose the right one? Here are five quick tips about things to look for so you’ll make the right deci­sion for your base­ment and your home.

How Much Does it Cost to Water­proof a Basement?

There are many fac­tors that help deter­mine the cost of water­proof­ing a base­ment and the method and mate­ri­als make up just one. You’ll learn here about oth­er cir­cum­stances that may raise (or low­er) the cost of keep­ing your base­ment dry.

Sump Pump Reviews: What’s the Best Sump Pump?

A sump pump is the heart of a base­ment water­proof­ing sys­tem and its qual­i­ty and depend­abil­i­ty can make the dif­fer­ence between a dry base­ment and a sog­gy mess. Our sump pump expert shows you in this video what we believe is the best on the market.

Foun­da­tion Crack Repair Meth­ods and What to Consider

Foun­da­tion cracks can be repaired from either inside or out­side your base­ment; each process uses dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als and tech­niques. Learn how a base­ment water­proof­ing pro­fes­sion­al deter­mines which approach is best for your basement.

So that’s our Top 10 as cho­sen by you, our read­ers. U.S. Water­proof­ing is com­mit­ted to its mis­sion of edu­cat­ing home­own­ers and con­sumers about the right way to do base­ment water­proof­ing, through this blog and through our base­ment advi­sors. Con­tact us to have one of them assess your basement.

Tags: basement waterproofing solutions, basement waterproofing chicago, basement waterproofing northwest indiana

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