U.S. Waterproofing | New Headquarters

U.S. Waterproofing cuts ribbon on new headquarters in Rolling Meadows

U.S. Waterproofing's Rolling Meadows ribbon cutting ceremony

May­or Ken­neth Nel­son and Rolling Mead­ows busi­ness lead­ers today helped exec­u­tives from U.S. Water­proof­ing offi­cial­ly open the company’s new 40,000 square-foot facil­i­ty in the village. 

We’re pleased that U.S. Water­proof­ing has cho­sen Rolling Mead­ows as a great place to call home,” said May­or Nel­son. This is an out­stand­ing employ­er, as evi­denced by all the awards the com­pa­ny has won. With 100 employ­ees, U.S. Water­proof­ing is a sig­nif­i­cant addi­tion to our busi­ness base.” 

Cel­e­brat­ing its 50th anniver­sary this year, U.S. Water­proof­ing is the Midwest’s largest base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny. The new head­quar­ters is locat­ed at 5650 Mead­ow­brook Court near the inter­sec­tion of Inter­state 90 and Illi­nois Route 53

The Rolling Mead­ows facil­i­ty is more than twice the size of the company’s for­mer headquarters. 

As we’ve con­tin­ued to grow and add more prod­ucts and ser­vices, a larg­er, mod­ern space became essen­tial,” said Jer­ry Stock, Pres­i­dent of U.S. Water­proof­ing. We feel Rolling Mead­ows is the place we can build our busi­ness for many years to come.”

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