U.S. Waterproofing | Wet Basement Northbrook—Basement Waterproofing…

Wet Base­ment North­brook — Base­ment Water­proof­ing in 60062

Dec 17, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

Wet Basement Northbrook -- Basement Waterproofing in 60062

The North Shore sub­urb of North­brook holds a spe­cial place in my heart because it’s my home­town. Although I missed the Fer­ris Bueller era at Glen­brook North, I still enjoy spot­ting famil­iar places in those John Hugh­es films and wast­ed at least a small part of my youth hang­ing out at North­brook Court.

Today, my com­pa­ny, U.S. Water­proof­ing, helps the home­own­ers of North­brook to keep their base­ments dry and I thought I should talk about how base­ment water­proof­ing gets done there.

More About a Wet Base­ment in North­brook 60062

We wrote recent­ly about base­ment water­proof­ing on Chicago’s North Shore and not­ed that towns in that area are dif­fer­ent, depend­ing on whether they lie on the lake­front or west of the Edens Express­way. As one of the west­ern North Shore com­mu­ni­ties, North­brook dif­fers sig­nif­i­cant­ly from towns such as High­land Park, Wil­mette and Lake Forest.

New­er Homes – The lake­front com­mu­ni­ties on the North Shore were found­ed in the ear­ly- to mid-19th Cen­tu­ry and much of the hous­ing stock there dates back to an era when what is now North­brook was still farm­land. In 1923, when North­brook changed its name from Sher­merville, there were only 500 res­i­dents; the town, along with many Amer­i­can sub­urbs, boomed after World War II and has more than 33,000 res­i­dents today. They live main­ly in homes built since the 1950’s and 60’s.

Poured Con­crete Foun­da­tions – Unlike the old­er homes on the lake­front, the major­i­ty of homes in North­brook sit on poured con­crete foun­da­tions. Poured con­crete is mono­lith­ic so it doesn’t have mor­tar joints to leak and erode. How­ev­er, poured con­crete foun­da­tions are sub­ject to crack­ing and can still devel­op leaks around win­dows, doors and pipes and through the cove joint.

Vari­ety of Con­struc­tion – Because of Northbrook’s long peri­od of growth and devel­op­ment, it has a wide range of homes, from small­er frame hous­es in the orig­i­nal set­tle­ment to large brick or stone homes in the new­er sec­tions of town. Many of the old­er homes have been remod­eled or enlarged, which may have cre­at­ed yard drainage prob­lems, and old ter­ra cot­ta drain tile may have clogged or col­lapsed. New­er homes may have many more water­proof­ing safe­guards in place but even they aren’t immune from seep­age prob­lems cre­at­ed by the cur­rent drought or oth­er chang­ing conditions.

Low­er Water Table – Although the entire Chicagoland area expe­ri­ences a high water table because of its prox­im­i­ty to Lake Michi­gan, the water table in North­brook is low­er than in the lake­front com­mu­ni­ties on the North Shore, just by virtue of being far­ther away. This is an advan­tage for North­brook home­own­ers because the low­er water table reduces hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure from ground water on their foun­da­tions. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the expan­sive clay soil is still preva­lent but it cre­ates few­er prob­lems than it does on the lakefront.

As you can see, North­brook home­own­ers have their own set of chal­lenges when it comes to keep­ing their base­ments dry. When base­ment water prob­lems occur, they need a base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny that knows the area’s homes and how to make them dry and healthy once again. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we’ve worked for hun­dreds of North­brook home­own­ers and our record in your com­mu­ni­ty is stel­lar, so why not ask us for a free con­sul­ta­tion when prob­lems arise?

Tags: basement waterproofing north shore, northbrook basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing northbrook

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