U.S. Waterproofing | Top 6 Things to Look for in a Chicago

Top 6 Things to Look for in a Chicago

Mar 24, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

Top 6 Things to Look for in a Chicago

There’s an old joke about con­tracts: The large print giveth and the small print taketh away.” Not real­ly true, of course, but it does help to make a good point: Always read and under­stand a con­tract before you sign it. Once you’ve put your sig­na­ture on any kind of agree­ment you are bound to it so make sure you know exact­ly what you’re signing.

Of course, that works both ways. The oth­er par­ty to the con­tract – car deal­er, mort­gage com­pa­ny, home repair con­trac­tor – is also oblig­at­ed to ful­fill their end of the deal, so under­stand­ing exact­ly what you should be get­ting for your mon­ey is equal­ly impor­tant. When sign­ing a Chica­go base­ment water­proof­ing con­tract, there are 6 things you should look for.

What Should be in a Chica­go Base­ment Water­proof­ing Contract

Each base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny in the Chica­go area will, of course, have a dif­fer­ent con­tract but there are some things that should be in every one:

  1. Plain Eng­lish – Even lawyers don’t want to have to wade through mul­ti­ple para­graphs of where­as” and hereto­fore.” A Chica­go base­ment water­proof­ing con­tract should be writ­ten in lan­guage that every­one can under­stand, that is well orga­nized and clear­ly spells out what is expect­ed of you and of the base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor. The best con­tracts will get right down to busi­ness, be spe­cif­ic and as brief as pos­si­ble. If a sales­per­son makes a promise to you, make sure it’s in the contract.
  2. War­ranties War­ranties are par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant in base­ment water­proof­ing. It’s the contractor’s state­ment that you can rely on them to do the job right the first time and, if that doesn’t occur, they will return to make it right at no addi­tion­al cost to you. A war­ran­ty is not the same as a guar­an­tee but it does offer you assur­ance that the job will be done right. Make sure war­ranties are clear­ly stat­ed in your contract.
  3. War­ran­ty Terms – A rep­utable base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor will offer a life­time war­ran­ty on inte­ri­or work, such as inte­ri­or drain tile and crack injec­tion. Inte­ri­or water­proof­ing work is done under con­trolled con­di­tions and, when the job is done right, it will func­tion prop­er­ly for the life of the home­own­er and beyond. Exte­ri­or work, on the oth­er hand, is sub­ject to con­di­tions beyond anyone’s con­trol, so out­side work, such as exte­ri­or drain tile will have a lim­it­ed war­ran­ty, typ­i­cal­ly 10 years.
  4. Trans­fer­able War­ran­ty — If a base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor is con­fi­dent enough in his work to war­ran­ty it for a life­time, he should be con­fi­dent enough to make it trans­fer­able. This is par­tic­u­lar­ly help­ful when a home­own­er has pro­cras­ti­nat­ed and wait­ed until the house is going to be put on the mar­ket before hav­ing water­proof­ing work done. This not only allows the home­own­er to have the assur­ance that the base­ment is dry but pro­vides a great sell­ing point that might just make the dif­fer­ence in the house mov­ing quick­ly or lan­guish­ing on the market.
  5. Manufacturer’s War­ranties – If the con­tract includes the instal­la­tion of mechan­i­cal equip­ment such as sump pumps or base­ment dehu­mid­i­fiers, these items are typ­i­cal­ly cov­ered under manufacturer’s war­ranties, not a war­ran­ty from the base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor. This should be stat­ed in the con­tract and the installer should pro­vide you with all per­ti­nent war­ran­ty information.
  6. Dam­age Repair and Prepa­ra­tions – Some­times, despite the base­ment water­proof­ing company’s care­ful work, things in the base­ment or out­side your home may get dam­aged. Make sure your con­tract clear­ly states what dam­age is cov­ered and under what cir­cum­stances. Your con­tract may also include an adden­dum that explains what prepa­ra­tions you must make before the work is done – mov­ing fur­ni­ture or stored items, mov­ing plant­i­ngs, tak­ing off dry­wall – so make sure you under­stand what is expect­ed of you as well.

Of course, you should always read ANY con­tract thor­ough­ly and make sure you under­stand all the pro­vi­sions – but it real­ly shouldn’t be that com­pli­cat­ed. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we make sure our con­tract lan­guage is clear, our life­time and lim­it­ed war­ranties are ful­ly explained and, most impor­tant­ly, that our work lives up to your expec­ta­tions. Why not ask for our free advice?

Tags: warranties, chicago basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing companies, basement waterproofing contractors, chicago basement waterproofing contract

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