U.S. Waterproofing | Time for a Backup Sump Pump Installation,…

Time for a Back­up Sump Pump Instal­la­tion, Chicago?

May 5, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

Top 5 Most Common Sump Pump Problems

Spring 2013 will be not­ed in weath­er his­to­ry for two char­ac­ter­is­tics: It’s been unusu­al­ly chilly and unusu­al­ly wet. Most Chicagoans shrug it off as some sort of karmic bal­ance for Spring 2012 when it was atyp­i­cal­ly warm and dry.

If you’re a Chica­go home­own­er who’s suf­fered from a wet base­ment dur­ing the heavy spring rains, how­ev­er, you can’t afford to shrug it off because ruined rugs and fur­ni­ture and sog­gy card­board box­es are prob­a­bly more bad kar­ma than you deserve. Because tor­ren­tial spring rains (and heavy sum­mer thun­der­storms) are hard­ly unique events in Chica­go, it’ll pay to be pre­pared for the next time the skies open and one great way to do so is to put a back­up sump pump instal­la­tion on your calendar.

What Kind of Back­up Sump Pump Should I Install in my Chica­go Basement?

Every Chica­go home­own­er knows about sump pumps, right? They sit in a hole over in the cor­ner and turn on when water enters the pit then clunk” when they shut off. Well, yeah, but that part about turn­ing on when water enters the pit is the crit­i­cal part of the descrip­tion. Sump pumps are gen­er­al­ly reli­able but, like any mechan­i­cal device, they even­tu­al­ly wear out or break. Also, par­tic­u­lar­ly dur­ing those thun­der­storms, Chicago’s wob­bly pow­er grid gives out and the sump pump turns into a paper­weight as the water flows across the floor.

And, if that weren’t enough, a real­ly heavy rain can cause such a rapid flow of water into the sump pit that the pump won’t be able to keep up with the volume.

The way to pre­vent any of these dis­as­ters is to install a back­up sump pump sys­tem that will take over when the pri­ma­ry pump gives out, can’t keep up or the pow­er fails. The back­up pump is sim­i­lar to the pri­ma­ry pump; what dif­fers is its source (or sources) of power:

Bat­tery-only Back­up Sump Pump – The most basic back­up sump pump is one that oper­ates by bat­tery alone; these are known as DC pumps and are com­mon­ly avail­able at home cen­ters and hard­ware stores. Pumps of this type, like the BOSS 2100, are pow­ered by a strong recharge­able bat­tery that can pow­er between 48 and 72 hours of peri­od­ic oper­a­tion. These bat­tery-only pumps are tied to the house­hold elec­tri­cal sys­tem so they can switch on when the pow­er is inter­rupt­ed. They are the most eco­nom­i­cal alter­na­tive and they’re bet­ter than going with­out a back­up but they won’t step in if the pri­ma­ry sump pump dies or gets over­whelmed by the incom­ing flow of water, so they have a few limitations.

Dual-Pow­er Back­up Sump Pump – A sig­nif­i­cant improve­ment over the bat­tery-only back­up sump pump and the most pop­u­lar solu­tion among Chica­go home­own­ers is one that uses both AC and DC pow­er sources – a pow­er­ful bat­tery and house­hold cur­rent. A dual-pow­er back­up sump pump, like the BOSS 3000, takes over and runs on bat­tery pow­er when house­hold pow­er fails. If the pri­ma­ry sump pump jams, breaks or dies com­plete­ly or if it is over­whelmed by the vol­ume of water, the back­up sump pump jumps in to help, draw­ing house­hold cur­rent to pow­er it as long as it is needed.

Dual-Pow­er, Dual Pump Back­up Sys­tem – The lat­est and most advanced devel­op­ment in back­up sump pumps is an AC/DC pow­ered, dual-pump sys­tem that replaces, not just assists, the pri­ma­ry sump pump. These sys­tems, like the BOSS 3000 Deluxe, con­sist of two matched sump pumps that are both con­nect­ed to strong bat­ter­ies and house­hold pow­er. They alter­nate in serv­ing as the pri­ma­ry pump, which pro­longs the life of both, and one will take over if the oth­er fails. Also, when the flow of water becomes too much for one pump, both sump pumps will step up and pump water until the flow diminishes. 

To deter­mine which type of pump is right for your home, call on the ser­vices of a base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tors that knows Chica­go base­ments and can offer a full range of back­up sump pump sys­tems. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we have been installing back­up sump pump sys­tems in Chica­go for decades and we test every pump we sell in our Sump Pump Research Cen­ter, not in our cus­tomers’ homes. Why not ask for a free con­sul­ta­tion?

Tags: sump pump problems, backup sump pump chicago, backup sump pump installation chicago

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