U.S. Waterproofing | How to Seal a Basement in Palatine, IL 60067

How to Seal a Base­ment in Pala­tine, IL 60067

Aug 12, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

County Fair

The coun­ty fair is part of the land­scape in the sum­mer months, espe­cial­ly in more rur­al coun­ties where agri­cul­ture is still a main­stay. Par­tic­u­lar­ly in the Mid­west, farm­ers and oth­er res­i­dents gath­er for the annu­al event that often includes live­stock shows, amuse­ments and rac­ing of cars, hors­es or both.

Notice­ably absent from the list of coun­ty fairs in Illi­nois is the state’s largest coun­ty, Cook, home of Chica­go and its close-in sub­urbs to the north and west. It wasn’t always this way, though. The Cook Coun­ty Fair grew out of var­i­ous expo­si­tions and shows in and around the coun­ty until find­ing a per­ma­nent home in Pala­tine in 1917. The fair­grounds were estab­lished around a race track locat­ed on a farm that bred har­ness hors­es and the fair thrived there until 1931 when the grow­ing urban­iza­tion of the area brought about its demise.

Today, the only trace of this piece of Palatine’s his­to­ry is a sub­di­vi­sion on the site of the old fair­grounds, appro­pri­ate­ly named Fair­grounds Park. Home­own­ers there, whose homes date back to 1953, as well as those in oth­er parts of Pala­tine, are fac­ing the typ­i­cal main­te­nance prob­lems that come with old­er homes, includ­ing the need to seal their base­ments against seepage.

3 Ways to Seal a Base­ment in Palatine

A rec­om­mend­ed repair will be spe­cif­ic to the needs of the Pala­tine home, as it would be in near­by Arling­ton Heights and Mount Prospect, but there are three com­mon­ly used meth­ods to seal base­ments there.

Crack Repair – The most com­mon type of foun­da­tion in Pala­tine is poured con­crete and the most com­mon source of seep­age in such a foun­da­tion is a non-struc­tur­al crack in the foun­da­tion wall. The best way to repair such a crack per­ma­nent­ly is to inject it with expand­ing polyurethane from the inte­ri­or, which will fill and seal the crack com­plete­ly. The polyurethane mate­r­i­al will remain flex­i­ble when cured to pre­vent the crack from being re-opened by minor foun­da­tion movement.

When a crack is inac­ces­si­ble on the inte­ri­or it can be repaired on the out­side by dig­ging a small hole along the foun­da­tion at the site of the crack. The hole is filled with sodi­um ben­tonite clay that sets up to form a pli­able bar­ri­er against water on the out­side of the wall.

Inte­ri­or Drain Tile – A com­mon source of seep­age in any Pala­tine base­ment is water that is forced through the cove joint or cracks in the base­ment floor by hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure below the foun­da­tion. An inte­ri­or drain tile sys­tem, per­fo­rat­ed pipe buried in a bed of washed grav­el under the base­ment floor, will alle­vi­ate this pres­sure and car­ry the water to a sump pump where it can be dis­charged from the home. Prop­er­ly installed, inte­ri­or drain tile requires no maintenance.

Exte­ri­or Water­proof­ing – Water can also enter a Pala­tine base­ment through porous spots in poured con­crete or con­crete block, cracked or dete­ri­o­rat­ing mor­tar joints in mason­ry walls and over the top of the foun­da­tion. This seep­age can be stopped (or pre­vent­ed) by apply­ing an exte­ri­or water­proof­ing mem­brane to the foun­da­tion wall. Con­sist­ing of a thick coat of asphalt-mod­i­fied polyurethane applied with a trow­el, the mem­brane seals the wall per­ma­nent­ly against seepage.

When there is an extreme amount of ground water present, the mem­brane can be aug­ment­ed with exte­ri­or drain tile and drainage board to chan­nel water downward.

Regard­less of the right type of repair, a Pala­tine home­own­er in need of seal­ing his or her base­ment will require the ser­vices of a base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor that knows the area and its homes. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we have helped hun­dreds of Pala­tine home­own­ers seal their base­ments and count them proud­ly among our more than 300,000 sat­is­fied cus­tomers. Why not ask for our free advice?

Tags: seal basement palatine, palatine seal basement, cook county basement waterproofing

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