U.S. Waterproofing | How to Repair a Wet Basement in Morton Grove, IL…

How to Repair a Wet Base­ment in Mor­ton Grove, IL 60053

May 8, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

How to Repair a Wet Basement in Morton Grove, IL 60053

Mor­ton Grove was orig­i­nal­ly part of the trib­al lands of the Potawato­mi, much like the neigh­bor­ing vil­lage of Skok­ie and the near­by Chica­go neigh­bor­hood of Sauganash. Set­tle­ment by Euro­peans began in the 1830’s and the area, now a bustling sub­urb, was most­ly rur­al and devot­ed to farming.

Once the rail­road came to town, Mor­ton Grove’s agri­cul­tur­al focus shift­ed to flow­ers as sev­er­al major com­mer­cial green­hous­es became the cen­ter of the town’s indus­try and last­ed until the Great Depres­sion. After the Edens Express­way was com­plet­ed in the 1950’s, Mor­ton Grove’s pop­u­la­tion jumped by 15,000 res­i­dents and today more than 23,000 call the vil­lage home.

There are more than 8,000 homes in Mor­ton Grove and those home­own­ers have one thing in com­mon with home­own­ers all over Chicagoland – a prob­lem with wet base­ments and the search for a solution.

3 Ways to Repair a Wet Base­ment in Mor­ton Grove

There’s no one sim­ple solu­tion to the prob­lem of a wet base­ment in Mor­ton Grove or any­where else – each home must be eval­u­at­ed on a case-by-case-basis. How­ev­er, there are 3 com­mon approach­es to repair­ing a wet base­ment that will solve a major­i­ty of a homeowner’s water woes:

Inte­ri­or Drain Tile – One of the most use­ful reme­dies avail­able to a full-ser­vice base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor is inte­ri­or drain tile as it solves many of the base­ment water prob­lems he com­mon­ly encoun­ters. Inte­ri­or drain tile picks up ground water forced up by hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure; both ends of the pipe ter­mi­nate at a sump pump where the water is car­ried and pumped out. Mor­ton Grove build­ing code requires that sump pump dis­charge be direct­ed into a dry well, help­ful giv­en the vil­lage’s gen­er­al­ly flat grades.

With­out inte­ri­or drain tile in place, water would seep into the base­ment through the cove joint and cracks in the base­ment floor.

Water­proof­ing Mem­brane with Exte­ri­or Drain Tile – An exte­ri­or repair tech­nique with many uses is exte­ri­or water­proof­ing mem­brane. Water­proof­ing mem­brane is asphalt-mod­i­fied polyurethane that is applied to exte­ri­or foun­da­tion walls in a thick coat by trow­el­ing it on to cre­ate a flex­i­ble yet imper­me­able bar­ri­er against water intru­sion. When need­ed, it can be cov­ered by plas­tic drainage board that will pro­tect the mem­brane and chan­nel water down to exte­ri­or drain tile. Drain tile on the exte­ri­or of the foun­da­tion drains away ground water that would oth­er­wise enter the base­ment between the floor and walls; the mem­brane pro­tects against seep­age over top of the foun­da­tion, through dete­ri­o­rat­ed mor­tar joints or porous mason­ry or concrete.

Crack Repair – Poured con­crete foun­da­tions are com­mon in Mor­ton Grove and one of the most like­ly sources of a wet base­ment is seep­age through a non-struc­tur­al crack in the walls. These cracks may be formed by foun­da­tion move­ment or lat­er­al pres­sure from sat­u­rat­ed soil. The best way to repair a foun­da­tion wall crack is to inject it with expand­ing polyurethane, a process done from inside the base­ment. The mate­r­i­al expands to fill and seal the crack all the way to the out­side soil and it remains flex­i­ble when cured to pre­vent minor foun­da­tion move­ment from caus­ing the crack to reopen.

If the crack is inac­ces­si­ble from the inside, it may be per­ma­nent­ly repaired from the exte­ri­or by fill­ing a small exca­va­tion at the site of the crack with sodi­um ben­tonite clay. The clay sets up to form a pli­able but imper­me­able bar­ri­er against water intrusion.

Regard­less of the source of the prob­lem, every Mor­ton Grove home­own­er needs the exper­tise and pro­fes­sion­al skills of a base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor that knows the town and its homes. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we have been help­ing Mor­ton Grove home­own­ers repair their wet base­ments for almost as long as we’ve been in busi­ness – going on 58 years. Why not ask for our free advice?

Tags: wet basement chicago, wet basement morton grove, morton grove wet basement

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