U.S. Waterproofing | How to Repair a Wet Basement in Evanston, IL…

How to Repair a Wet Base­ment in Evanston, IL 60202

Apr 14, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

How to Repair a Wet Basement in Evanston, IL 60202

Evanston, IL is a unique place. It’s both a city and a sub­urb; it’s a col­lege town, a busi­ness cen­ter and the home of such insti­tu­tions as Rotary Inter­na­tion­al and the Women’s Chris­t­ian Tem­per­ance Union. It’s urban, it’s lake­front, it’s neigh­bor­hoods and it’s the home of near­ly 75,000 peo­ple who most­ly nev­er want to live any­where else.

One of the many nick­names Evanston has enjoyed since its found­ing in 1863 is City of Homes” and, along with the boost it has pro­vid­ed local real estate agents, that term remains descrip­tive today. Evanston res­i­dents live in a wide vari­ety of hous­es: frame Cape Cods, brick Chica­go cot­tages, Geor­gians, ram­bling Prairie Style homes and some inter­est­ing exam­ples of mod­ern archi­tec­ture. No mat­ter what the size, style or age of the home they have one thing in com­mon – a wet base­ment in Evanston that needs repair.

What Caus­es Wet Base­ments in Evanston?

Wet base­ments can hap­pen just about any­where but Evanston homes, like those in neigh­bor­ing Wil­mette and Skok­ie, have sev­er­al unique char­ac­ter­is­tics that increase the susceptibility:

Age – Evanston is a city that has long been ful­ly devel­oped so most of the homes there are old­er. Even with the most con­sci­en­tious main­te­nance, old­er foun­da­tions will suf­fer the effects of time and pres­sure from sur­round­ing soil and are more like­ly to have prob­lems with seep­age.

High Water Table – Water is in the ground every­where and the high­est lev­el to which this ground water ris­es is called the water table. One of the fac­tors that cause the water table to rise is prox­im­i­ty to large bod­ies of water and, being on the lake­front, Evanston’s water table is high and increas­es the occur­rence of wet basements.

Clay Soil – Evanston is no dif­fer­ent from the rest of the Chica­go area — the soil is com­posed heav­i­ly of clay, which drains poor­ly and expands when it becomes sat­u­rat­ed. This not only holds water next to the foun­da­tion, it increas­es both hydro­sta­t­ic and lat­er­al pres­sures that cause wet base­ments and foun­da­tion damage.

How Do I Repair my Wet Base­ment in Evanston?

The ulti­mate choice of a repair method depends on the spe­cif­ic sit­u­a­tion but there are three approach­es that will per­ma­nent­ly repair most wet base­ments in Evanston:

Crack Repair – The most com­mon source of a wet base­ment is a seep­ing crack in a poured con­crete foun­da­tion wall; the best way to repair it is by inject­ing expand­ing polyurethane from inside the base­ment. The ure­thane expands to fill and seal the crack all the way to out­side soil and remains flex­i­ble when cured to pre­vent the crack from re-open­ing due to minor foun­da­tion move­ment. If the inte­ri­or wall is inac­ces­si­ble, the crack can be repaired from the out­side by fill­ing a small exca­va­tion against the foun­da­tion with sodi­um ben­tonite clay that will hard­en and form an impen­e­tra­ble bar­ri­er against fur­ther seepage.

Drain Tile – Drain tile is a sub-sur­face drain around the foun­da­tion that car­ries away ground water before it can enter the base­ment. Inte­ri­or drain tile, installed next to the foot­ings on the inside perime­ter, alle­vi­ates hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure and pre­vents seep­age through floor cracks and the cove joint. Exte­ri­or drain tile, on the out­side perime­ter of the foot­ings, relieves lat­er­al pres­sure from ground water and stops seep­age from wall cracks, mor­tar joints and wall openings.

Exte­ri­or Water­proof­ing Mem­braneExte­ri­or water­proof­ing mem­brane is asphalt-mod­i­fied polyurethane that is applied to the out­side of a foun­da­tion wall by tow­el­ing it on in a thick coat. This seals the wall against seep­age and is par­tic­u­lar­ly effec­tive on con­crete block and oth­er mason­ry walls. It works best when cov­ered by drainage board that chan­nels water down to exte­ri­or drain tile. Damp-proof­ing, a watery spray coat­ing, is no substitute.

Whether your home is new or old, Prairie Style or bun­ga­low, when you have a wet base­ment in Evanston, you need the advice and ser­vices of a base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor that knows your city and its homes. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we have helped hun­dreds of Evanston home­own­ers repair their wet base­ments and keep them dry per­ma­nent­ly since our found­ing in 1957. Why not ask for our free advice?

Tags: chicago basement waterproofing, wet basement evanston, evanston wet basement

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