U.S. Waterproofing | How to Prevent Basement Water Problems in…

How to Pre­vent Base­ment Water Prob­lems in Mun­ster, IN 46321

Mar 6, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

How to Prevent Basement Water Problems in Munster, IN 46321

One of the sure signs of the arrival of spring in the Mid­west, more reli­able than robins, cro­cus­es or Open­ing Day of base­ball sea­son, is water. Snow melts, rain falls and things get sog­gy for a while and all this mois­ture often leads to base­ment water prob­lems in Mun­ster, IN homes.

Obvi­ous­ly, there’s noth­ing much that can be done about the abun­dance of water out­side homes in Mun­ster but there’s plen­ty a home own­er can do to pre­vent all that water from find­ing its way into the base­ment. A few sim­ple pre­cau­tions can elim­i­nate a whole lot of trou­ble so who wouldn’t trade a few hours (and maybe a few bucks) of avoid­ing a prob­lem for many days (and many dol­lars) of fix­ing it after it’s too late?

4 Ways to Pre­vent Base­ment Water Prob­lems in Mun­ster, IN Homes

The most com­mon foun­da­tions in Mun­ster (and the rest of north­west Indi­ana) are con­crete block and it is com­mon for seep­age to occur through mor­tar joints or through the porous block itself. There are 4 sim­ple ways that Mun­ster home­own­ers can pre­vent this seep­age in the spring or at any time of year. They’re noth­ing extra­or­di­nary – 3 of the 4 are just nor­mal home maintenance.

  1. Keep Gut­ters Clean – Heavy spring rains beat­ing on the roof means a lot of water has to go some­where. On the aver­age-sized Mun­ster home, just one inch of rain means that the gut­ter sys­tem has to col­lect 1500 gal­lons of water and it can’t do the job if it’s full of leaves, pine nee­dles or oth­er debris. When all this water hits a gut­ter that can’t han­dle it, it has only one place to go and that’s to pour over the edge on to the ground below. Of course, this means that it gets absorbed right next to the foun­da­tion where it will, at best, find its way into the base­ment or, at worst, swell the soil and inten­si­fy pres­sure on foun­da­tion walls that can results in cracks and foun­da­tion movement.
  2. Extend Down­spouts – The clean­est gut­ters in the entire state of Indi­ana won’t make much of a dif­fer­ence if the down­spouts that drain them aren’t prop­er­ly main­tained and dis­charg­ing in the right place. If down­spouts are noth­ing more than straight pipes they are dis­charg­ing all that water on the ground right next to the foun­da­tion. Down­spout exten­sions that run at least 10 feet away from the foun­da­tion will car­ry water beyond the zone of fail­ure” and pre­vent over-sat­u­rat­ed soil around it. Under­ground exten­sions will elim­i­nate unsight­ly plas­tic snakes” and ensure that the drainage sys­tem remains in place, safe from land­scap­ers, kids play­ing and dogs being dogs.
  3. Cov­er Win­dow WellsWin­dow wells are designed to let light and air into base­ments that would oth­er­wise be dark and stuffy. In the prop­er size and design, they can also pro­vide an emer­gency exit. Of course, win­dow wells can col­lect rain water, so they must be equipped with a prop­er drain that can be con­nect­ed to inte­ri­or or exte­ri­or drain tile sys­tems. Win­dow wells that remain uncov­ered can also col­lect debris – leaves, dirt, trash, dead ani­mals – that can clog or block the win­dow well drain, cre­at­ing yet anoth­er source of base­ment water prob­lems in Mun­ster homes. A prop­er­ly fit­ted win­dow well cov­er will elim­i­nate debris and allow the win­dow well to drain. One word of cau­tion – the cheap plas­tic bub­bles” from the big box store are throw­aways. Unless you want to replace your win­dow well cov­ers every year, invest in quality.
  4. Check Grade and Land­scap­ing – A lit­tle beyond nor­mal home main­te­nance, it still pays to make sure the lawn out­side a foun­da­tion in Mun­ster doesn’t have a neg­a­tive” grade – slop­ing toward the house. Grad­ing prob­lems are rare and can be a big job to fix. More com­mon are plant­i­ng beds and their raised bor­ders that trap water around the foun­da­tion. These are gen­er­al­ly an easy repair for a home­own­er and can make a big dif­fer­ence in keep­ing the base­ment dry.

Pre­vent­ing base­ment water prob­lems in Mun­ster isn’t always easy but it’s nec­es­sary to main­tain a healthy, sta­ble home. When a home­own­er needs help in keep­ing their base­ment dry, they can turn to U.S. Water­proof­ing. We’ve been help­ing home­own­ers with their base­ment water prob­lems for more than 55 years and many Mun­ster home­own­ers are among our more than 300,000 sat­is­fied cus­tomers. Why not ask for our free advice?

Tags: northwest indiana basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing northwest indiana, nw indiana basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing nw indiana, basement water problems munster

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