U.S. Waterproofing | How to Fix a Leaky Basement Quickly

How to Fix a Leaky Base­ment Quickly

Jun 20, 2014 • By Matthew Stock.


It’s a three-day hol­i­day week­end – and it’s raining. 

Along about Sun­day after­noon you get bored with TV and the inter­net and decide to wan­der down into the base­ment just in case there’s some­thing inter­est­ing to do down there. You flip on the light and head down the stairs…and things get real­ly inter­est­ing real­ly quickly.

There’s water in the base­ment! A grow­ing pud­dle is spread­ing across the floor and soak­ing into all those box­es you’ve been mean­ing to move to the garage. Quick­ly, you slosh through the pud­dle, grab the box­es and move them to high ground.

Return­ing to the base­ment, you fire up the wet/​dry vac and start clean­ing up water but it quick­ly becomes appar­ent that you’re fight­ing a los­ing bat­tle – the water’s seep­ing in faster than you can clean it up.

Bet­ter find help fast, so you make a call to the base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor and make an appoint­ment for an inspec­tion and esti­mate but what you do until they can get there?

Water­proof­ing a Base­ment Quickly

It is beyond the skill lev­el of all but the most expe­ri­enced do-it-your­selfer to actu­al­ly com­plete base­ment water­proof­ing work and even they would find it dif­fi­cult to source the nec­es­sary materials.

There are how­ev­er, a few things that a home­own­er can do to pre­vent base­ment seep­age or to pre­vent it from get­ting worse once it has already occurred. Most won’t com­plete­ly cor­rect the prob­lem but they are good things to do while wait­ing for the pros to come to the rescue.

Clean Gut­ters – The water that is com­ing into the base­ment dur­ing a rain­storm is get­ting there by soak­ing into the soil around the foun­da­tion and any­thing that adds water to that soil makes the prob­lem worse. Gut­ters along the edge of the roof are intend­ed to cap­ture rain water that runs off the roof dur­ing a rain and car­ry it to down­spouts. If the gut­ters weren’t there, the water (approx­i­mate­ly 600 gal­lons per 1000 square feet of roof in a 1 inch rain­fall) would pour off the edge and land on the ground right next to the foun­da­tion where it would soak in and end up in the basement.

When gut­ters are clogged with leaves and debris, they might as well not be there at all because water will run right over the top. Keep­ing the gut­ters clean and run­ning will reduce the like­li­hood of water in the basement.

Extend Down­spouts – Even with com­plete­ly clean gut­ters, the chances of get­ting water in the base­ment are increased when they lead to down­spouts that dump water right next to the house. Even tem­po­rary down­spout exten­sions from the big box store are bet­ter than noth­ing as long as they extend at least 10 feet from the foun­da­tion. The best per­ma­nent solu­tion is an under­ground down­spout exten­sion that flows to a bub­bler pot or dry well and should be installed by a professional.

Clean Win­dow Wells – Anoth­er source for water in the base­ment is around base­ment win­dows caused by flood­ed win­dow wells. A prop­er­ly designed and installed win­dow well should have a drain at the bot­tom that may lead to inte­ri­or or exte­ri­or drain tile or out to day­light. If an uncov­ered win­dow well fills with trash or oth­er debris the drains can become clogged. Clean­ing out win­dow wells to allow drains to run freely can be very help­ful in keep­ing water out of the basement.

If the win­dow wells don’t have drains, talk to the base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor about installing them and about putting on prop­er cov­ers to keep the grass clip­pings, leaves and oth­er mat­ter out of the win­dow wells.

Of course, once the base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor does arrive, you want to be sure it’s a com­pa­ny that will solve your base­ment water prob­lem quick­ly, per­ma­nent­ly and at a rea­son­able cost. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we’ve tak­en thou­sands of calls from pan­icked home­own­ers and have solved base­ment water prob­lems for more than 300,000 cus­tomers since our found­ing in 1957. Why not ask for our help and free advice?

Tags: fix basement quickly, fix leaky basement quickly

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