U.S. Waterproofing | How to Do Permanent Wet Basement Waterproofing…

How to Do Per­ma­nent Wet Base­ment Water­proof­ing in Elm­wood Park IL 60707

Jan 15, 2014 • By Matthew Stock.

Elmwood Park

Elm­wood Park IL, tucked in against the north­west side of Chica­go, is an urban” inner-ring sub­urb with a pop­u­la­tion of 24,000 that first became attrac­tive to set­tle­ment because of its large sup­ply of rich, pro­duc­tive farm­land. Farm­ers first came to the area, then known as Ori­son, in the 1840’s and thrived until the com­ing of the rail­road in the 1870’s made the area more attrac­tive as a res­i­den­tial community.

Elm­wood Park was incor­po­rat­ed as a vil­lage in 1914 and saw its biggest pop­u­la­tion boom dur­ing the fol­low­ing decade. The first major res­i­den­tial sub­di­vi­sion was devel­oped and helped account for the fact that ful­ly one-quar­ter of the village’s 10,000 homes were already stand­ing by 1939. Three-quar­ters of Elm­wood Park’s homes were built before 1970.

Today’s Elm­wood Park is a thriv­ing com­bi­na­tion of res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial devel­op­ment. Inter­est­ing­ly, more than one-third of the homes in the vil­lage are occu­pied by renters, a much high­er lev­el than in sur­round­ing sub­urbs. Own­ers of rental homes gen­er­al­ly need to be extra mind­ful of the con­di­tion of and prob­lems in their homes if they are to retain good ten­ants and main­tain the val­ue of their property.

Of course, all home­own­ers in Elm­wood Park with its old­er homes are fac­ing the typ­i­cal repair and main­te­nance issues com­mon to old­er homes. Many, in fact, are in need of wet base­ment waterproofing.

Doing Per­ma­nent Wet Base­ment Water­proof­ing in Elm­wood Park

Just like homes in near­by Nor­ridge and Oak Park, homes in Elm­wood Park that need wet base­ment water­proof­ing are diag­nosed on an indi­vid­ual basis but there are sev­er­al com­mon ways to do a per­ma­nent repair.

Crack Repair – The most com­mon dam­age to a poured con­crete foun­da­tion that allows seep­age is a non-struc­tur­al crack in the base­ment wall. The best way to repair these cracks per­ma­nent­ly is to inject them with expand­ing polyurethane from inside the base­ment. The polyurethane expands to fill the crack all the way to the out­side soil and remains flex­i­ble when cured to pre­vent re-crack­ing from minor foun­da­tion movement.

If the base­ment is fin­ished or the crack is oth­er­wise inac­ces­si­ble, it can be repaired from the out­side with sodi­um ben­tonite clay. A small hole is dug next to the foun­da­tion at the site of the crack and filled with the clay, which forms a pli­able and per­ma­nent bar­ri­er against water infiltration.

Inte­ri­or Drain Tile – Water is often forced by hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure through cracks in a base­ment floor or through the cove joint. This seep­age can be stopped by installing inte­ri­or drain tile, a net­work of per­fo­rat­ed pipe embed­ded in washed grav­el under the base­ment floor. The drain tile alle­vi­ates the pres­sure and car­ries ground water to a sump pump for dis­charge. Prop­er­ly installed, inte­ri­or drain tile nev­er needs maintenance.

Exte­ri­or Water­proof­ing – A poured con­crete foun­da­tion can expe­ri­ence seep­age through patch­es of porous con­crete and/​or over the top of the foun­da­tion wall. A mason­ry foun­da­tion can leak through dete­ri­o­rat­ed mor­tar joints or porous mason­ry units like con­crete block or brick. This type of seep­age can be stopped by installing an exte­ri­or water­proof­ing mem­brane, a thick coat­ing of asphalt-mod­i­fied polyurethane that is applied to the out­side of the foun­da­tion walls with a trow­el to cre­ate an imper­me­able water barrier.

When ground water is par­tic­u­lar­ly high, the mem­brane can be aug­ment­ed with exte­ri­or drain tile and heavy-duty drainage board to pro­tect the mem­brane and chan­nel water downward.

No mat­ter which type of repair is best, an Elm­wood Park home­own­er who needs wet base­ment water­proof­ing will require the advice and assis­tance of a base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor that knows the com­mu­ni­ty and its homes. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we have been doing wet base­ment water­proof­ing all over the Chica­go area since 1957 and we have already helped hun­dreds of Elm­wood Park home­own­ers keep their base­ments dry. Shouldn’t you ask for our free advice?

Tags: wet basement waterproofing elmwood park, elmwood park wet basement waterproofing

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