U.S. Waterproofing | How Much Does a Sump Pump Cost?

How Much Does a Sump Pump Cost?

May 7, 2014 • By Matthew Stock.

Sump Pump And Battery Backup

For many peo­ple who are in the mar­ket for a par­tic­u­lar ser­vice the most impor­tant ques­tion they have to ask is How much does it cost?” Most often, these price shop­pers want a direct answer with­out hedg­ing or conditions.

Some­times, a direct answer is eas­i­ly avail­able. Dri­ve into a quick oil-change shop, for exam­ple, and ask How much does an oil change cost?” You’ll like­ly get an answer some­thing like “$34.95.”

How­ev­er, it’s not always that easy to give some­one a direct answer. In a home ser­vice busi­ness like res­i­den­tial roof­ing, let’s say, the most trans­par­ent, plain-spo­ken roof­ing con­trac­tor can’t answer How much does a roof cost?” with­out know­ing how big the roof is, whether it’s on the first, sec­ond or third floor, what kind of shin­gles the cus­tomer wants…you get the picture.

So, let’s say you need a new sump pump and you call up a base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny and ask How much does a sump pump cost?” My answer (You wouldn’t call any­one else, would you?) is going to be as direct as I can make it: Sev­er­al hun­dred dol­lars or sev­er­al thou­sand”, depend­ing on whether you need a sim­ple, low­er-pow­er pri­ma­ry pump or a com­plete back-up sump pump system.

Now, that answer is direct and respon­sive but it may not be as infor­ma­tive as you might like so let’s exam­ine it.

Seri­ous­ly, How Much Does a Sump Pump Cost?

It is pos­si­ble to buy a fifty-dol­lar sump pump. If you spend a few min­utes on everyone’s favorite search engine you’ll find it – at the world’s largest retail store. Does it work? Prob­a­bly, at least for a while, but is this plas­tic gad­get real­ly the sump pump you want to rely on to keep your base­ment dry when you’re away from home for two weeks dur­ing the sum­mer thun­der­storm sea­son? Me neither.

Now, there are decent sump pumps to be found in big box stores, but they will cost $200 or more. Our sump pump expert has reviewed many of them and has giv­en a few his con­di­tion­al bless­ing. How­ev­er, these sump pumps are often mar­ket­ed with an empha­sis on mean­ing­less war­ranties instead of crit­i­cal per­for­mance fac­tors and, regard­less of how good or bad they are, you have to install them your­self or pay a plumber his hourly rate to plunk one in the basin and plug it in.

pri­ma­ry sump pump pur­chased from a base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny won’t cost that much more, but will be rec­om­mend­ed to you based on your home’s size, oth­er water­proof­ing sys­tems in place and the loca­tion and size of the dis­charge. Also, it will installed by a water­proof­ing pro­fes­sion­al who installs sump pumps every day so you can rest assured that the pump will always per­form up to its capacity.

So, where does that sev­er­al thou­sand” price come in? Bat­tery back-up sump pumps, that’s where, and only at the high end of that cat­e­go­ry. A basic bat­tery-only back­up sump pump sys­tem is still pret­ty eco­nom­i­cal and it will ensure that your base­ment stays dry when­ev­er the pow­er goes off.

What hap­pens, though, when the pow­er stays on and the pri­ma­ry sump pump fails from age, over-use or a clogged impeller? The bat­tery-only unit won’t kick on and you’re in for a wet base­ment with­out a dual-pow­er back-up sump pump, a unit with a bat­tery and pow­er from house­hold cur­rent that will take over dur­ing a pow­er fail­ure or a pump failure.

Want to get the absolute best that jus­ti­fies that top-end price? Install a dual-pump, dual pow­er sys­tem that replaces the pri­ma­ry pump with a matched set of pow­er­ful pumps that alter­nate run­ning to reduce wear on one pri­ma­ry pump and have the same advan­tages of the dual-pow­er pump above. Oh, and remem­ber that $50 sump pump? This dual-pump, dual-pow­er sys­tem pumps 100 times the amount of water per hour as the cheapie!

So, that’s what a sump pump costs. If your sump is miss­ing in action you’re going to need a new one for the rainy months ahead and you’ll get the best pump and high­est-qual­i­ty instal­la­tion from an expe­ri­enced base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor. At U.S. Water­proof­ing we’ve been installing sump pumps for pret­ty much our entire 57 years in busi­ness and a large per­cent­age of our 300,000 sat­is­fied cus­tomers have them hum­ming away in their base­ments, so why not ask for our free advice?

Want to know more about the price of sump pumps? Post your ques­tions in the Com­ments box below.

Tags: sump pump cost, cost sump pump

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