U.S. Waterproofing | Battery Backup Sump Pump: BOSS 3000 AC/DC…

Bat­tery Back­up Sump Pump: BOSS 3000 AC/DC Back-up Sump System

Jun 3, 2012 • By Matthew Stock with Barry Schilling.

Battery Backup Sump Pump: BOSS 3000 AC/DC Back-up Sump System

Our orig­i­nal video series cov­ered all the basics of the pri­ma­ry sump pump; we’ve now begun a dis­cus­sion of bat­tery back­up pumps. Bar­ry Schilling, sump pump expert, con­tin­ues to edu­cate home­own­ers and con­sumers about the impor­tance of a func­tion­al sump pump sys­tem in the bat­tle against base­ment water seep­age.

So far, he has dis­cussed how pedestal pumps dif­fer from sub­mersibles, why pump­ing capac­i­ty is impor­tant, why a sol­id float switch is gen­er­al­ly more reli­able than oth­er options, why cast-iron sump pumps have an advan­tage over those made of oth­er mate­ri­als, the impor­tance of a sump pump’s fil­tra­tion sys­tem and why the Zoeller 98 and the Storm­ProSHW 50 are the best pri­ma­ry sump pumps for nor­mal and heavy water con­di­tions, respectively.

And, in this new three-part series:

  • Why the Boss 2100 is the per­fect bat­tery back­up pump to com­ple­ment any pri­ma­ry sump pump to ensure a dry base­ment dur­ing pow­er outages

To con­tin­ue the explo­ration of back­up sump pumps, Bar­ry explains that although a bat­tery back­up pump kicks in when the pow­er fails, an AC/DC back­up pump also pro­tects the home­own­er from a wet base­ment when the pri­ma­ry pump fails for oth­er rea­sons – jams, failed switch­es or burnt-out motor. He rec­om­mends the best dual-pow­er back­up sys­tem – the one he relies on in his own home.

The Best Dual-Pow­er Back­up Sump Pump – the Boss 3000

At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we‘ve installed tens of thou­sands of sump pumps (along with thou­sands of bat­tery back-up pumps) since our found­ing in 1957. If we can help you with your sump pump, or any oth­er base­ment seep­age prob­lem, please ask for our advice. It’s free.

Tags: backup sump systems, battery backup sump pumps, sump pump installation, sump pump reviews, videos

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