U.S. Waterproofing | Basement Flooding in Chicago can be Caused by…

Base­ment Flood­ing in Chica­go can be Caused by Land­scap­ing Mistakes

Jul 22, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.


These days, there are so many real estate real­i­ty shows on TV that even high-rise con­do res­i­dents are famil­iar with the term curb appeal.”

For those who may spend their leisure time read­ing great books and tak­ing part in sparkling con­ver­sa­tion, curb appeal” refers to fea­tures on the out­side of a home that makes it look great at first glance, such as when a poten­tial buy­er pulls up to the curb.

There are many ways to achieve curb appeal – fresh paint, new shut­ters, fresh­ly mowed lawn – but one of the most pop­u­lar is attrac­tive land­scap­ing, fea­tur­ing trees, shrubs and flow­ers. Land­scap­ing is often com­bined with a tech­nique that has anoth­er real­i­ty TV name, hard­scap­ing.” Hard­scap­ing includes walls, patios, walk­ways and oth­er fea­tures, often built of mason­ry or dry-set stone or brick that add struc­ture to the land­scap­ing and cre­ate or define out­door spaces.

All this atten­tion to the out­doors can make even the plainest house look like a show­place but, with­out care­ful plan­ning and con­struc­tion, out­door beau­ti­fi­ca­tion can cre­ate prob­lems with base­ment flood­ing in Chica­go homes.

How Land­scap­ing can Cause Base­ment Flood­ing in Chicago

Base­ment flood­ing in Chica­go homes, aside from sew­er back-ups, is caused when two things are present: water in the soil around the foun­da­tion and an open­ing, such as a crack, porous con­crete or a bad mor­tar joint in the foun­da­tion wall or floor. Obvi­ous­ly, one way to pre­vent base­ment flood­ing is to keep water away from the foun­da­tion; some land­scap­ing fea­tures, how­ev­er, can cre­ate base­ment water prob­lems.

Plant­i­ng Bed Edg­ing – A very com­mon land­scap­ing tech­nique is to cre­ate a plant­i­ng bed around all or part of the perime­ter of a house. Typ­i­cal­ly, these beds have clear­ly defined edges sep­a­rat­ing them from the sur­round­ing lawn for neat­ness and ease of main­te­nance and fea­ture some type of hard edg­ing, rang­ing from a rein­forced plas­tic strip to mason­ry and even steel bands. Such edg­ing can often trap and hold water, increas­ing the sat­u­ra­tion of the soil around the foun­da­tion in exact­ly the place where it can do the most harm. The same can occur when beds are dug below the lev­el of the lawn and have only a sharply cut soil edge, cre­at­ing a poten­tial shal­low pond.

Plant­i­ng Box­es and Tiers – Anoth­er attrac­tive land­scap­ing fea­ture is a plant­i­ng box made of brick, stone or tim­ber that is built right against the foun­da­tion. The same mate­ri­als are also some­times used to cre­ate tiered beds in a sim­i­lar loca­tion. These may look great but they can also cre­ate large amounts of sat­u­rat­ed soil and hold it right next to the foun­da­tion – exact­ly where it shouldn’t be.

Improp­er Grad­ing – Exten­sive land­scap­ing projects often result in unin­ten­tion­al regrad­ing of the soil around a house, leav­ing it flat or even pitched toward the struc­ture. The for­mer will pre­vent sur­face water from run­ning off; the lat­ter will actu­al­ly send excess water toward the foundation.

Trees or Large Shrubs Close to the Foun­da­tion – Large dec­o­ra­tive shrubs often look nice next to a house and can cov­er up unat­trac­tive foun­da­tions, gas meters and oth­er util­i­ties. Trees can shade the house and help keep down cool­ing costs in hot weath­er. Each of these plant­i­ngs, how­ev­er, has deep and exten­sive root sys­tems that will pull water from the soil dur­ing times of drought, caus­ing the soil to shrink and there­by putting the foun­da­tion at risk of crack­ing or more seri­ous damage.

There are enough nat­ur­al fac­tors that can lead to flood­ed base­ments in Chica­go; don’t cre­ate them by care­less land­scap­ing. Whether the project is pro­fes­sion­al or DIY, always take drainage into account when plan­ning land­scap­ing close to the home; a pro­fes­sion­al base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor knows how yard drainage should work and can be of invalu­able assistance.

At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we’re experts not only on how to fix a flood­ed base­ment in Chica­go but how to pre­vent one through a num­ber of meth­ods, includ­ing prop­er yard drainage. Why not ask for our free advice?

Tags: basement flooding chicago, chicago basement flooding

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