U.S. Waterproofing | 3 Reasons to Fix a Wet Basement

3 Rea­sons to Fix a Wet Basement

Jul 20, 2014 • By Matthew Stock.

Wet Basement

Every home­own­er looks at his or her base­ment differently.

For some, the base­ment is a reg­u­lar part of dai­ly life. They have a fin­ished fam­i­ly room in the base­ment where they watch TV every day. They do laun­dry in the base­ment and reg­u­lar­ly access belong­ings that are stored there. They pur­sue hob­bies there – many a base­ment hous­es a wood­shop, ceram­ics stu­dio or craft­ing table. In oth­er words, they use their basement.

For oth­ers, their view of the base­ment is from the top of the stairs. Their laun­dry facil­i­ties are upstairs as is their fam­i­ly room. The box­es in their base­ment are decid­ed­ly for long-term stor­age. Their hob­bies are out­door ones or ones that don’t require much space. These home­own­ers don’t use their base­ment much.

When a wet base­ment occurs, home­own­ers in the first group don’t hes­i­tate. They clean up the mess, call the base­ment water­proof­ing pros and fix the prob­lem so they can con­tin­ue to enjoy their basement.

A wet base­ment for the oth­ers, per­haps, is more of an incon­ve­nience than a cat­a­stro­phe and many are tempt­ed to just leave it alone. After all, the pud­dles dry up even­tu­al­ly – no harm, no foul.

There may be some truth to that but there are some very good rea­sons why even the most infre­quent base­ment user should not ignore a wet basement.

3 Rea­sons Home­own­ers Should Always Fix a Wet Basement

Leav­ing a wet base­ment unre­paired can be detri­men­tal to the health of both the home itself and the peo­ple who live there. Here are three rea­sons to fix a wet basement:

1. MoldMold is an inva­sive fun­gus that can grow almost any­where under the right con­di­tions; con­di­tions that fos­ter mold growth are the pres­ence of food, warmth and mois­ture. Mold in a base­ment is often spread by HVAC sys­tems through­out the liv­ing areas of the home and can cause or exac­er­bate med­ical con­di­tions, espe­cial­ly res­pi­ra­to­ry prob­lems like asthma.

Var­i­ous strains of mold can feed on almost any organ­ic mate­r­i­al and even unfin­ished base­ments are gen­er­al­ly full of it – wood, dry­wall, some insu­la­tion, etc. Any home that is suit­able for human occu­pan­cy will be warm enough for mold to grow. If only the food and warmth exist, mold spores can lie dor­mant until the nec­es­sary mois­ture is present, and then spring back to life.

A seri­ous mold prob­lem will require pro­fes­sion­al remediation.

2. Increased Humid­i­ty – Log­i­cal­ly, stand­ing water in a base­ment rais­es the lev­el of mois­ture in the air in the base­ment but the moist, humid air also will rise from the base­ment into the above­ground struc­ture. This cre­ates an uncom­fort­able atmos­phere in liv­ing areas.

Also, in warmer weath­er when most wet base­ments occur, home air con­di­tion­ing sys­tems are work­ing to remove humid­i­ty from the air and will be forced to work hard­er in con­di­tioned liv­ing spaces to dry the air. Even in base­ment space that is not typ­i­cal­ly con­di­tioned the HVAC sys­tem works to dry up water on the floor or walls that results from seepage.

3. Prop­er­ty Dam­age – In a fin­ished base­ment, lin­ger­ing water will destroy car­pet­ing, wood or lam­i­nate floors and dam­age furniture. 

Even in an unfin­ished base­ment, allow­ing water to stand will even­tu­al­ly destroy any stored items left on the floor and cause wood rot or rust in shelv­ing and oth­er fix­tures. Laun­dry appli­ances, pow­er tools and fur­naces are also sus­cep­ti­ble to rust and cor­ro­sion, either from direct con­tact with water or due to the moist atmosphere.

When a home­own­er needs to fix a wet base­ment, he or she will require the advice and ser­vices of a base­ment water­proof­ing pro­fes­sion­al to ensure that the prob­lem is prop­er­ly diag­nosed and repaired. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we have been fix­ing wet base­ments in the Chica­go area, north­west Indi­ana and south­east­ern Wis­con­sin since our found­ing in 1957 and we know how to pre­vent the trou­ble that can be caused by water in the base­ment. Why not ask for our free advice?

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