U.S. Waterproofing | Basement Egress Windows

Base­ment Egress Windows

Logo Escape Well

If there is a bed­room in your base­ment, you should have more than one way out in the event of an emer­gency. Hav­ing only one escape path from your base­ment can be dan­ger­ous and unsafe, which is why a base­ment egress win­dow is need­ed. Most build­ing codes require a base­ment egress win­dow. Our EscapeWell™ Sys­tem pro­vides anoth­er exit when using stairs isn’t an option. 

What is a base­ment egress window? 

A base­ment egress win­dow — some­times called an escape win­dow — serves as a func­tion­al and impor­tant safe­ty fea­ture for your home. Stan­dard escape win­dows are 45 inch­es tall and 35 inch­es wide, large enough for most peo­ple to exit through. 

Why do I need an escape window? 

In case of an emer­gency, this win­dow is often the safest, quick­est, and only way out. If a fire breaks out and the stair­way lead­ing upstairs is blocked, a base­ment egress win­dow lets you get out of the house imme­di­ate­ly. It is also used by fire depart­ments if they need to gain access to the base­ment dur­ing an emer­gency. If there is a bed­room in the base­ment, this type of win­dow is nec­es­sary to ensure your family’s safe­ty. The escape win­dow also com­plies with most egress build­ing codes. Plus, if you are sell­ing your home and want it to list it with a bed­room in the base­ment,” you are required to have an egress win­dow in that base­ment bedroom. 

How do we install the EscapeWell™ System? 

U.S. Water­proof­ing can upgrade many exist­ing small­er win­dow wells with our EscapeWell™ Sys­tem, or we can start from scratch. First, we exca­vate the soil by hand to min­i­mize dis­rup­tion to land­scap­ing and the area around your home. Then we care­ful­ly saw cut the foun­da­tion wall to cre­ate an open­ing where we install a new white vinyl case­ment win­dow with high effi­cien­cy glass and a remov­able screen that facil­i­tates ven­ti­la­tion. We bolt and seal a cor­ru­gat­ed met­al win­dow well lin­er to the foun­da­tion wall out­side your home to keep water and dirt out of the win­dow well. A lad­der is attached to the lin­er so it can be used to climb out of the well in the event of an emer­gency. An inte­ri­or Win­dow Well Drain is sur­round­ed by stone and added at the bot­tom of the well to keep any water that may enter from accu­mu­lat­ing. A Win­dow Well Cov­er is attached to the top of the win­dow well. It allows light to reach the base­ment and pro­tects from peo­ple, pets, leaves, and debris enter­ing. This rein­forced cov­er can hold up to 500 pounds and locks for addi­tion­al security. 

Why choose U.S. Waterproofing’s EscapeWell™ System? 

We offer a com­plete turn-key base­ment egress win­dow solu­tion. When the goal is keep­ing your fam­i­ly safe, using an expert is a must. The EscapeWell™ Sys­tem was devel­oped in response to our cus­tomers telling us they couldn’t find qual­i­fied providers for this ser­vice. With an expert like U.S. Water­proof­ing, you’ll get an out­stand­ing war­ran­ty (which means some­thing when you’ve been around as long as we have!) and peace of mind. If you have a bed­room in the base­ment or plan to add one, you can sched­ule your free con­sul­ta­tion online today.

Learn more about Base­ment Egress Windows.