U.S. Waterproofing | U.S. Waterproofing Receives A+ Rating from the…

U.S. Waterproofing Receives A+ Rating from the Better Business Bureau

The Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau of Chica­go and North­ern Illi­nois intro­duced a new rat­ing sys­tem ear­li­er this year. Using a pro­pri­etary com­put­er­ized for­mu­la, it assigns a let­ter grade (from A+ to F) to every com­pa­ny in its data­base. The sys­tem takes into account 17 fac­tors such as a company’s com­plaint his­to­ry, num­ber of years in busi­ness and adver­tis­ing stan­dards. The Coun­cil of Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureaus, the umbrel­la orga­ni­za­tion, test­ed the sys­tem for over two years before mak­ing it the stan­dard for all BBB’s to follow. 

The pre­vi­ous sys­tem sim­ply assigned either a Sat­is­fac­to­ry” or Unsat­is­fac­to­ry” rat­ing to each com­pa­ny. These rat­ings were pure­ly based on how a com­pa­ny resolved its com­plaints. It didn’t, how­ev­er, take into con­sid­er­a­tion a busi­ness­es’ vol­ume. As a result, larg­er and more estab­lished com­pa­nies were often put at a disadvantage.

We were very pleased the Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau moved to a more pro­gres­sive, all-encom­pass­ing rat­ing sys­tem,” said Jer­ry Stock, Pres­i­dent of U.S. Water­proof­ing. In today’s age of infor­ma­tion, con­sumers are turn­ing to the Inter­net to help make more informed deci­sions. An A+ rat­ing from a trust­ed name like the Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau in our com­pet­i­tive mar­ket­place is invaluable.”

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