U.S. Waterproofing | 50th Anniversary

U.S. Waterproofing celebrates 50th anniversary with move into new 40,000-square-foot facility

U.S. Water­proof­ing, which is cel­e­brat­ing its 50th anniver­sary this year, is fur­ther expand­ing as the Midwest’s largest base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny by mov­ing its oper­a­tions to a new state-of-the-art facil­i­ty locat­ed in the north­west sub­urbs of Chicagoland.

The new facil­i­ty, which will encom­pass approx­i­mate­ly 40,000 square feet, is open for busi­ness today at 5650 Mead­ow­brook Court in Rolling Mead­ows, near the inter­sec­tion of Inter­state-90 and Illi­nois Route 53.

We have expe­ri­enced sig­nif­i­cant growth over the last 50 years.” said Bar­ry Schilling, Vice Pres­i­dent of Sales & Mar­ket­ing for U.S. Water­proof­ing. The demand for water­proof­ing your home has increased sub­stan­tial­ly, and con­tin­ues to be a rel­e­vant issue in own­ing or sell­ing prop­er­ty. In addi­tion, as we con­tin­ue to add more prod­ucts and ser­vices and our work­force grows, the need for more space is essential.”

U.S. Water­proof­ing spent the last three years search­ing for this loca­tion. Among oth­er things, the new build­ing will pro­vide over 90 park­ing spaces (with room to add anoth­er 35 – 40 spots), ample stor­age space for the company’s vehi­cles and sup­plies and 10,000 square feet of first-class office space. The com­pa­ny also remains hope­ful it will have enough over­all space in the new build­ing for anoth­er 15 – 20 years of growth.

The pre­vi­ous loca­tion at 2207 Ham­mond Dri­ve in Schaum­burg, which had 16,000 square feet of space, was home to U.S. Water­proof­ing for the last 10 years. This is the fifth loca­tion for the com­pa­ny over the past 50 years. It is inter­est­ing to note that all of the pre­vi­ous four loca­tions would fit com­fort­ably inside of num­ber five. The num­ber of employ­ees has grown from four to almost 100 since 1957.

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