U.S. Waterproofing | U. S. Waterproofing Yelp Reviews: What You…

U. S. Water­proof­ing Yelp Reviews: What You Should Understand

Dec 9, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

U. S. Waterproofing Yelp Reviews: What You Should Understand

Yelp? You mean that restau­rant review thing on the internet?

Well, yeah. Most peo­ple do think of Yelp as a way to find a new restau­rant or to check out the venue where their favorite band is play­ing but it’s more than that. For the unfa­mil­iar, Yelp is an online review site where users post their impres­sions and rat­ings of var­i­ous busi­ness­es, ser­vices and, of course, restau­rants and nightlife.

Once you go beyond restau­rants and night­clubs, you’ll find infor­ma­tion about lots of oth­er busi­ness­es, includ­ing base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­nies. As I’ll explain, though, there are some ques­tions about the val­ue of that infor­ma­tion found on Yelp.

Mak­ing Sense of U.S. Water­proof­ing Yelp Reviews

First of all, if you want to look up base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­nies on the Yelp site, for­get the list of cat­e­gories on the left side. You’ll hunt for a long time that way and get led down a few wrong paths — just type base­ment water­proof­ing” into the main Yelp search engine. This will get you 94 results and almost all are legit base­ment water­proof­ing companies.

So, let’s take a look at U.S. Water­proof­in­g’s Yelp page. Let’s see, three reviews. Only three? For a com­pa­ny that’s been in busi­ness for 55 years? Well, Yelp has only been around in Chica­go for a few years so maybe that’s why.

But, when you scroll through those reviews, you’ll see below them in faint type, 17 fil­tered.” My friend, you have just spot­ted the big prob­lem with Yelp – fil­tered reviews. For some rea­son, Yelp choos­es to put only some reviews of a busi­ness on its main page and hides oth­er reviews on a fil­tered page that the user has to enter one of those goofy captcha” phras­es to access. Even more con­fus­ing is that there is no clear expla­na­tion how the fil­ter works and no one, nei­ther the review­er nor the reviewed busi­ness, has any idea why some reviews are fil­tered and some are not.

Now, I am not naïve enough to think that some com­pa­nies don’t try to write their own glow­ing reviews on Yelp and I guess the fil­ter is there to help pre­vent that. How­ev­er, I believe in being trans­par­ent about our busi­ness and I’m per­fect­ly hap­py with your read­ing our great reviews and our not-so-great ones as well. If you bal­ance them out, we still look good, espe­cial­ly when you con­sid­er that most of the less­er ones are from peo­ple who either didn’t do busi­ness with us or who were blown a lot of smoke by a competitor.

I’m not the first one to point out the issues with Yelp reviews. There have been many com­plaints and sev­er­al law­suits over Yelp’s review fil­ter­ing and oth­er prac­tices because of the sig­nif­i­cance of online reviews and the effect, both pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive, they can have on a busi­ness.

So, is Yelp a good way and a fair way to find a Chica­go base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny? In my opin­ion, if you’re only going to use one source of infor­ma­tion, there are bet­ter choic­es. Being the sta­tis­tics guy that I am, I believe that big­ger sam­ples pro­duce bet­ter results. For exam­ple, we have hun­dreds of reviews on Angie’s List and the Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau has been rat­ing our com­pa­ny for years.

If you’re using Yelp reviews as just one part of your research, it’s a decent source but just make sure you look at all the reviews and keep in mind that not every­one thinks that Yelp plays fair.

If you want to know what U.S. Water­proof­ings cus­tomers think of our com­pa­ny, you can read U.S Water­proof­ing reviews on this site, and we’ll be hap­py to give you the names of sat­is­fied cus­tomers near you – after all, we have more than 300,000 to choose from. They all start­ed out just like you can, by ask­ing for a free con­sul­ta­tion.

Tags: u.s. waterproofing reviews, u.s. waterproofing yelp, u.s. waterproofing yelp reviews

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