U.S. Waterproofing | Resolving Basement Waterproofing Complaints –…

Resolv­ing Base­ment Water­proof­ing Com­plaints – U.S. Waterproofing’s Advice

Nov 21, 2014 • By Matthew Stock.

U.S. Waterproofing Complaints: 3 Things You Should Know

The base­ment water­proof­ing busi­ness is like any oth­er con­tract­ing or home ser­vice industry. 

There are large, full-ser­vice com­pa­nies and one-man-and-a-pick­up-truck busi­ness­es that typ­i­cal­ly spe­cial­ize in one small aspect of base­ment water­proof­ing, like crack repair.

There are com­pa­nies that focus on base­ment water­proof­ing and oth­ers that do it as part of a long laun­dry list of ser­vices like plumb­ing, HVAC and gen­er­al contracting.

And, of course, there are great com­pa­nies, good com­pa­nies and, well, not-so-good companies.

Some­times, unfor­tu­nate­ly, a home­own­er may run into one of the lat­ter, or may have an iso­lat­ed or atyp­i­cal prob­lem with a rep­utable com­pa­ny that gives rise to a com­plaint about the ser­vice. The vast major­i­ty of com­pa­nies in our indus­try will resolve that com­plaint with their cus­tomer with­out delay and every­one walks away satisfied.

Occa­sion­al­ly, though, these com­plaints can’t be resolved between the base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor and the cus­tomer and oth­er means of res­o­lu­tion are needed.

Resolv­ing Base­ment Water­proof­ing Complaints

Any dis­cus­sion about the right way to resolve a base­ment water­proof­ing com­plaint should prob­a­bly include an illus­tra­tion of the wrong way — just in case.

Regret­tably, the avail­abil­i­ty and instant grat­i­fi­ca­tion of social media plat­forms online has cre­at­ed an atti­tude among some con­sumers that the way to get sat­is­fac­tion is to com­plain loud and long in as many pub­lic forums as pos­si­ble. Oth­ers choose to uti­lize online review sites like Yahoo, Google Reviews and the ubiq­ui­tous Yelp to post neg­a­tive reviews, hop­ing some­how that this will get their prob­lem fixed.

It’s not to say that a con­sumer who has had a neg­a­tive expe­ri­ence with any com­pa­ny shouldn’t post an appro­pri­ate review to inform oth­ers that they may be in for the same. How­ev­er, doing so as a means of resolv­ing a com­plaint is like­ly only to cre­ate hard feel­ings and lead to no res­o­lu­tion at all.

One of the best ways to resolve a base­ment water­proof­ing com­plaint, or any com­plaint or dis­sat­is­fac­tion with a com­pa­ny, ser­vice or prod­uct, is to take part in the com­plaint res­o­lu­tion process con­duct­ed by the Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau.

When a con­sumer has tried and failed to resolve a base­ment water­proof­ing com­plaint with the con­trac­tor, he or she can file a com­plaint with the BBB. The con­sumer pro­vides the name of the com­pa­ny, the nature of the busi­ness trans­act­ed and a thor­ough descrip­tion of the prob­lem. The con­sumer is also asked to pro­vide the BBB with a desired outcome.

The BBB then con­tacts the con­trac­tor and requests a response with­in 14 days; a sec­ond request is sent if there is no response in that time. Most com­plaints are resolved with­in 30 days.

A busi­ness’ response to com­plaints for­ward­ed by the BBB is part of the cri­te­ria used to deter­mine the busi­ness’ BBB rat­ing. A com­pa­ny with a his­to­ry of ignor­ing cus­tomer com­plaints or pro­vid­ing inad­e­quate respons­es will see its rat­ing drop – com­plaint vol­ume and han­dling are a key part of deter­min­ing the rating.

Con­sid­er­ing that so many con­sumers turn to the BBB for help in choos­ing a busi­ness, BBB rat­ings are very impor­tant to com­pa­nies, espe­cial­ly since the BBB of Chica­go and North­ern Illi­nois has now includ­ed cus­tomer reviews for mem­ber busi­ness­es

At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we pride our­selves on our suc­cess­ful track record, which we began to com­pile back in 1957 when we were found­ed. Since then, we have served more than 300,000 sat­is­fied cus­tomers around Chica­go and north­west Indi­ana. Of course, we want each of our cus­tomers to be hap­py right from the start but we also val­ue feed­back from cus­tomers with ques­tions or com­plaints and always try to resolve them prompt­ly, a prac­tice that is reflect­ed in our A+ rat­ing from the Chica­go BBB. Why not con­tact us when you have water prob­lems in your basements?

Tags: basement waterproofing complaints

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