U.S. Waterproofing | Rain on the Roof Causes Leaks in the Basement,…

Rain on the Roof Caus­es Leaks in the Base­ment, Foun­da­tion Damage

Dec 8, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

Rain On Roof

There are loads of songs, poems and sto­ries about the glo­ries of the rain. Artists have expressed their joy at walk­ing in it, singing in it, danc­ing in it – among oth­er things.

The sounds of rain­drops on the roof or on the win­dow pane have been equal­ly roman­ti­cized and of course we all know that rain makes the grass green and the flow­ers grow.

Many home­own­ers, though, don’t have any idea just how much water lands on their roofs when rain falls and gen­er­al­ly even a fog­gi­er con­cep­tion of where all that water goes. It usu­al­ly comes as a sur­prise just how much water a one-inch rain drops on even a small, 1000-square-foot sec­tion of roof and the amounts that end up on the ground around the house can be mind-boggling.

Please watch the fol­low­ing brief video to see base­ment water­proof­ing expert Bar­ry Schilling explain how to cal­cu­late the amount of rain that falls on the aver­age roof and how much each down­spout on the aver­age home discharges.

Bar­ry also illus­trates just where all that water ends up and what the sur­pris­ing results can be.

Even the light­est rain­fall can pro­duce a lot of water and when all that water ends up in a home’s base­ment, or begins to wreak hav­oc on the home’s foun­da­tion, the home­own­er needs help. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, our experts in base­ment water­proof­ing and foun­da­tion repair have the befit of our company’s 56 years of expe­ri­ence and can not only fix the dam­age caused by rain water but can help a home­own­er man­age water out­side his or her home so it doesn’t hap­pen again.

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Tags: rain leaking into basement, rain causes damage to house

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