U.S. Waterproofing | Is my Wet Basement in Valparaiso Caused by the…

Is my Wet Base­ment in Val­paraiso Caused by the House Next Door?

Jan 23, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

Is my Wet Basement in Valparaiso Caused by the House Next Door?

Unless you live in the deep woods or a bunker some­where you prob­a­bly have a few neigh­bors. If you live in Val­paraiso with its pop­u­la­tion of near­ly 32,000 you sure­ly have some and, like neigh­bors every­where, they undoubt­ed­ly have some impact on your life, fam­i­ly and home.

One of the ques­tions often asked by home­own­ers who are expe­ri­enc­ing their first base­ment seep­age is whether the prob­lem could be caused by a neighbor’s home. Maybe the neigh­bor next door has just put in a new dri­ve­way or built a deck or put on an addi­tion; maybe their house sits on a high­er grade; or, maybe the only rea­son for the ques­tion is that the house is just there.

Many fac­tors can cause a wet base­ment in Val­paraiso but very rarely does an adjoin­ing home have any­thing to do with it.

What Does Cause my Wet Base­ment in Valparaiso?

One of the basic truths about wet base­ments is that they are gen­er­al­ly caused by water in the ground, not water on the ground. Of course, water on the sur­face can pen­e­trate the soil and become ground water but this usu­al­ly hap­pens because of insuf­fi­cient atten­tion to the zone of fail­ure” on the exte­ri­or of a home, not due to neigh­bor­ing homes.

One of the fac­tors that influ­ences base­ment seep­age is the water table, described as the high­est lev­el that ground water reach­es in the sur­round­ing soil. In Val­paraiso, as in the rest of north­west Indi­ana, the water table is rel­a­tive­ly high because of the area’s prox­im­i­ty to Lake Michi­gan. A high­er water table caus­es more of the soil to expand and increas­es both hydro­sta­t­ic and lat­er­al pres­sure on the foun­da­tion, which can result in cove seep­age and seep­age through wall cracks, respec­tive­ly.

Anoth­er rea­son you may have trou­ble with a wet base­ment in Valpo is that there is a good chance that your foun­da­tion is con­struct­ed of con­crete blocks, quite com­mon in north­west Indi­ana. Con­crete block makes a per­fect­ly good foun­da­tion but it is vul­ner­a­ble to seep­age in two ways that a poured con­crete foun­da­tion is not. First, the mor­tar joints between the blocks are a weak point and water can seep in if they are cracked or dete­ri­o­rat­ed. Sec­ond, the blocks them­selves are porous and water can actu­al­ly pen­e­trate through them into your basement.

sump pump with inad­e­quate capac­i­ty is also a com­mon prob­lem in the area. The high water table not­ed ear­li­er can mean that more water enters a drain tile sys­tem and must be pumped out by the sump pump. Addi­tion­al­ly, although not as com­mon in Val­paraiso as in oth­er parts of north­west Indi­ana, sandy soil around the foun­da­tion caus­es rain or snow melt to drain through the soil quick­ly. In either case, the vol­ume of water will often over­whelm a sump pump with­out the capac­i­ty to han­dle it.

The only time an adjoin­ing home could cause base­ment seep­age is if the prop­er­ty sur­round­ing it is grad­ed in such a way that it cre­ates a neg­a­tive slope toward your foun­da­tion. This is unlike­ly and, in fact, impos­si­ble if your prop­er­ty is grad­ed cor­rect­ly and slopes away from the house. Water runoff from paved sur­faces or your neighbor’s roof will have no effect as long as your yard is prop­er­ly drained.

So, if the neighbor’s house isn’t the prob­lem, how do you fig­ure out the source of your wet base­ment? It’s best left to a base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny that knows the area and its com­mon prob­lems, is expe­ri­enced at find­ing sources of seep­age and in per­ma­nent­ly repair­ing them. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we’ve helped your neigh­bors all over north­west Indi­ana, and many right there in Val­paraiso to keep their base­ments dry and their homes healthy, so why not ask for our free advice?

Tags: northwest indiana basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing northwest indiana, nw indiana basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing nw indiana, wet basement valparaiso, valparaiso wet basement

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