U.S. Waterproofing | How to Remove Epoxy after Basement Wall Crack…

How to Remove Epoxy after Base­ment Wall Crack Repair

Jul 28, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

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Just like the homes they sup­port, res­i­den­tial foun­da­tions are con­struct­ed in dif­fer­ent ways.

In the past, home builders used mate­ri­als that were stur­dy and avail­able, often stone or brick set with mor­tar. In the Chica­go area, some old­er homes may have foun­da­tions con­struct­ed of tele­phone tile,” a large ter­ra cot­ta block with a cel­lu­lar inte­ri­or that was used to cre­ate a con­duit for tele­phone or tele­graph lines. Lat­er, con­crete block (some­times called cin­der” block) became pop­u­lar in cer­tain parts of the coun­try and remains so today.

The most com­mon type of foun­da­tion in Chica­go homes, though, is one made of poured con­crete. These foun­da­tions are mono­lith­ic, offer smooth walls with­out mor­tar joints and are extreme­ly durable. How­ev­er, even the strongest poured con­crete foun­da­tion is sub­ject to non-struc­tur­al crack­ing caused by set­tle­ment or lat­er­al pres­sure from sat­u­rat­ed soil.

These cracks are the most com­mon source of seep­age in Chica­go base­ments but the good news is that they can be eas­i­ly repaired.

Repair­ing a Foun­da­tion Crack in a Chica­go Home

The best way to repair a non-struc­tur­al foun­da­tion crack is to inject it with expand­ing polyurethane. To do this, a base­ment water­proof­ing pro­fes­sion­al will first attach a num­ber of injec­tion ports, small plas­tic tubes, along the length of the crack. He then applies a bon­der of epoxy over the crack to seal off the inside surface.

Once the epoxy is cured, the water­proofer injects the polyurethane into each port until the crack is com­plete­ly filled to the out­side soil. When the polyurethane has cured it cre­ates a per­ma­nent repair that remains flex­i­ble to pre­vent minor foun­da­tion move­ment from re-open­ing the crack.

The repair, great as it may be, isn’t exact­ly pret­ty but it can be made to look a whole lot better.

Mak­ing a Repaired Crack Look Great

A typ­i­cal repaired crack will have a sev­er­al-inch-wide band of gray epoxy run­ning along the crack with the rem­nants of the injec­tion ports embed­ded in it. If the home­own­er is going to erect a stud wall over the repair to fin­ish the base­ment, it can be left as is to no ill effect. If the home­own­er would pre­fer to paint the base­ment walls and regain the smooth look of the con­crete before the crack occurred, a lit­tle prep is necessary.

Smooth­ing out the repair is some­thing that just about any home­own­er or handy­man can do. The only tools need­ed are a pair of safe­ty gog­gles and a wide wood chis­el. Note to wood­work­ers and ded­i­cat­ed shop-tin­ker­ers: If you have a high-qual­i­ty set of wood chis­els, don’t use them on this. Buy an inex­pen­sive one from the hard­ware store so you won’t wor­ry about dulling and chip­ping the blade.

The process is sim­ple: Put on the safe­ty gog­gles (very impor­tant!) and use the wood chis­el, bev­el side down, to chip the epoxy and plas­tic ports off the wall, work­ing along the crack or on the diag­o­nal (instead of straight across) as much as pos­si­ble. Because the polyurethane has now com­plete­ly cured, the epoxy no longer serves a pur­pose and can be com­plete­ly removed with­out com­pro­mis­ing the repair.

Once the epoxy has been removed, the wall can be cleaned to remove dust and par­ti­cles and then paint­ed, leav­ing a smooth, attrac­tive sur­face (and a dry basement!)

Before any of this can hap­pen, though, the Chica­go home­own­er will need the ser­vices of a rep­utable base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor to repair the crack prop­er­ly. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we have per­ma­nent­ly repaired cracks and ensured dry base­ments for lit­er­al­ly thou­sands of Chica­go home­own­ers since our found­ing in 1957. Why not ask for our free advice?

Tags: remove epoxy, basement wall crack repair, remove epoxy basement wall crack repair

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