U.S. Waterproofing | Good Yard Drainage Can Prevent a Wet Basement in…

Good Yard Drainage Can Pre­vent a Wet Base­ment in Chicago

Mar 31, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

Good Yard Drainage Can Prevent a Wet Basement in Chicago

There are a lot of mis­con­cep­tions about how wet base­ments hap­pen in Chica­go. Some home­own­ers think that the joint between a paved side­walk or gang­way and their home needs to be caulked to keep water out. Oth­ers have been told that because their home sits a lit­tle low­er than the neigh­bors’ that a wet base­ment is inevitable.

These facts” are, of course, not true. Wet base­ments are caused by water in the soil sur­round­ing the base­ment and there are a num­ber of points of entry: Cracks in con­crete walls and floor, dete­ri­o­rat­ing mor­tar joints in mason­ry walls, poor­ly fit­ted win­dows, the cove joint where foun­da­tion walls meet the foot­ings and oth­ers. One way a Chica­go home­own­er can avoid a wet base­ment is to pre­vent rain and snowmelt from being absorbed into the soil by cre­at­ing good yard drainage.

5 Ways Yard Drainage Can Pre­vent Wet Base­ments in Chicago

  1. Keep Gut­ters Flow­ing – Sounds like a no-brain­er but the place to start prop­er yard drainage is on the roof. If rain gut­ters are clogged with leaves, pine nee­dles or oth­er debris they will not car­ry water to the down­spouts. Instead, the rain water flow­ing off the roof will spill over the edge and soak into the ground next to the foun­da­tion. Next stop? The base­ment. On a typ­i­cal Chica­go home one inch of rain dumps as much as 1500 gal­lons of water on the roof; that’s more than 27 fifty-five gal­lon drums worth of water! If that comes into the base­ment – hel­lo, indoor swim­ming pool.
  2. Extend Down­spouts Away from the House – Even if the gut­ters are spot­less and flow­ing, all that rain­wa­ter is being dis­posed of through an aver­age of four down­spouts. If those down­spouts are dis­charg­ing right next to the foun­da­tion, the sit­u­a­tion may be even worse than if the gut­ters were stuffed with last fall’s leaves. To avoid dump­ing water at each cor­ner of the house, the wise Chica­go home­own­er will extend down­spouts at least 10 feet from the foun­da­tion. Under­ground down­spout exten­sions will avoid unsight­ly plas­tic snakes all over the lawn and elim­i­nate the pos­si­bil­i­ty of their being knocked off by play­ing kids or care­less landscapers.
  3. Drain Neg­a­tive Slopes – If nature or a heed­less grad­ing job have left a Chica­go home with a lawn that slopes toward it instead of away, the flow of water toward the home and its absorp­tion by sur­round­ing soil is inevitable. One way to stem the tide is to install a ground drain par­al­lel to the home that will catch the flow before it reach­es the zone of fail­ure. This drain and its under­ground pipes will car­ry the water to day­light a safe dis­tance away.
  4. Elim­i­nate Pond­ing on the Lawn – Many lawns in Chica­go have the occa­sion­al low spot where water lies when it rains. This pond­ing water will even­tu­al­ly be absorbed into the soil and end up you-know-where. Installing a below-ground drain in low areas will keep water away from the home and car­ry it to storm sew­ers or to a con­ve­nient drainage spot far from the foundation.
  5. Stop Water Absorp­tion Next to the House – Even if gut­ters are flow­ing and down­spouts are prop­er­ly extend­ed, heavy rains, like those famous sum­mer thun­der­storms, can over­whelm them and cre­ate wet base­ments for Chica­go home­own­ers. Installing a lined drain below ground aligned with home’s roofline will catch these heavy over­flows and car­ry the water away from the foun­da­tion – and the basement.

Most Chica­go home­own­ers can clean their own gut­ters but, when it comes to more advanced yard drainage solu­tions, the best bet for pre­vent­ing wet base­ments in Chica­go is to take advan­tage of the exper­tise of a pro­fes­sion­al base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor that knows how to do yard drainage right. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we’ve been pre­vent­ing wet base­ments in Chica­go since 1957 and have solved yard drainage prob­lems for thou­sands of our more than 300,000 sat­is­fied cus­tomers. Why not ask for our free advice?

Tags: yard drainage, chicago basement waterproofing, wet basement, wet basement chicago

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