U.S. Waterproofing | Finding the Best Basement Waterproofing…

Find­ing the Best Base­ment Water­proof­ing Com­pa­nies — Check References!

Mar 18, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

Finding the Best Basement Waterproofing Companies - Check References!

I’m often asked what real­ly makes one base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny dif­fer­ent from the oth­er. Sure, there are nuances on how we fix a crack ver­sus anoth­er com­pa­ny. We all offer dif­fer­ent lines of back-up sump pumps. And every com­pa­ny will try telling you why their pro­pri­etary drain tile sys­tem is so much bet­ter than the rest. That’s what they must do in order to sell a job.

Anoth­er thing you will prob­a­bly find is base­ment water­proof­ing prices are all over the board. Our war­ranties are often dif­fer­ent too. So how do you ever go about mak­ing a deci­sion? First, do your research. Our recent arti­cle Hir­ing a Base­ment Water­proof­ing Com­pa­ny — Top 5 Things to Con­sid­er” should give you a great start.

Once you have nar­rowed down your choic­es to a few com­pa­nies, it all comes down to ref­er­ences. That’s right, ref­er­ences. I’m not going to say the pric­ing and war­ran­ty doesn’t mat­ter. But with most things in life, you get what you pay for. And a war­ran­ty is only as good as the com­pa­ny that stands behind it. 


You might be think­ing every­one must have a ref­er­ence list, so why both­er ask­ing? Or you might have already received a few ref­er­ences from anoth­er com­pa­ny. If you did, my guess is you prob­a­bly didn’t even both­er call­ing them as you assume they wouldn’t give you any bad ones. Maybe you just didn’t feel like call­ing them. Big mistake! 

If you were pro­vid­ed ref­er­ences, how many did they give you? Five or ten? Did you rec­og­nize any of the names? Do they live near­by? Were the jobs done long enough ago so you know that the repair held up against mul­ti­ple rain storms? Did they leave any names off their list? Gotcha thinkin’? 

A rep­utable base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor that’s been in busi­ness for sev­er­al years should be able to pro­vide you with dozens of local references. 

What if I told you I could pro­vide you with a min­i­mum of 40 ref­er­ences, all with­in a five to ten mile radius from your home? Each refer­ral would not only include the job site address­es, but also phone num­bers to call and job com­ple­tion dates. In fact, if you didn’t rec­og­nize any of the names, we’d be will­ing to search even more for you. When you’ve water­proofed over 300,000 base­ments, there’s a good chance we’d be able to find a friend, fam­i­ly, co-work­er or some­one you know. If not, I’m sure you might have heard of a few of these com­pa­nies we’ve done work for. 


I’m going to leave you with one sto­ry. A few months ago, I received a call from a real­ly nice woman in Wil­mette who had signed up with us to have an Inte­ri­or Drain Tile Sys­tem installed. For the sake of pri­va­cy, let’s say her name was Mrs. Jones.

Mrs. Jones was so con­vinced we were the right com­pa­ny for the job, she didn’t ini­tial­ly both­er get­ting oth­er esti­mates. When her son heard about what she was doing, he insist­ed that she get one oth­er esti­mate. I don’t blame him. He was just being a pro­tec­tive son. I can appre­ci­ate that. 

So Mrs. Jones called me and asked as a cour­tesy if I would put her job on hold while she did her due dili­gence. I oblig­ed. She called me back a few days lat­er. I was thrown off guard by the sud­den change in the tone of her voice.

From what I could under­stand, the oth­er com­pa­ny offered her what she thought was a sim­i­lar solu­tion for a slight­ly more com­pet­i­tive price. But price alone wasn’t what swayed her. She said the oth­er com­pa­ny claimed they did more work than any­one else in Wil­mette. Hav­ing been in the busi­ness as long as I have, I knew it was impos­si­ble — but she didn’t. In her eyes, the oth­er com­pa­ny wouldn’t lie. Mrs. Jones’ son (whom I nev­er met) found this oth­er com­pa­ny online. He con­vinced his mom to can­cel the job with us. He assumed if they had a web­site, they had to be rep­utable, right?

When she called me back ask­ing for her deposit back, I asked how many ref­er­ences the oth­er com­pa­ny pro­vid­ed. Guess how many she got from them? Three! Did she know any of the names? Nope. Did the list include address­es and job com­ple­tion dates? Not exact­ly. If they had only done three jobs in Wil­mette, I can assure you they weren’t the biggest”. Wil­mette is noto­ri­ous for base­ment seep­age problems. 

So to make a long sto­ry short (or shall I say a short sto­ry long), I emailed her our refer­ral list. Every refer­ral on the list had an address, phone num­ber and job com­ple­tion date. And as it turned out, Mrs. Jones knew at least two of the people. 

Need­less to say, Mrs. Jones end­ed up going with us. I hope you will too.

If you already had a free con­sul­ta­tion and would like a list of refer­rals, just ask your Advi­sor. They would be hap­py to email you a list. 

Tags: basement waterproofing facts, researching companies, how to choose a waterproofing company, complaints

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