U.S. Waterproofing | Drain Tile: Always Best for Northwest Indiana…

Drain Tile: Always Best for North­west Indi­ana Base­ment Waterproofing?

Oct 10, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

Drain Tile: Always Best for Northwest Indiana Basement Waterproofing?

As a base­ment water­proof­ing expert in north­west Indi­ana, drain tile is one of my favorite things. It solves a num­ber of base­ment water prob­lems, like cove seep­age, hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure and over­sat­u­rat­ed soil. Best of all, it’s a per­ma­nent solu­tion that requires lit­tle to no main­te­nance when installed properly.

How­ev­er, not all base­ment water prob­lems can be solved by installing drain tile and some prob­lems that are helped by drain tile could also be fixed by a less cost­ly and dis­rup­tive method. In short, drain tile is great when it’s the right thing but it’s not a one-size-fits-all remedy.

Some North­west Indi­ana Base­ment Water­proof­ing Com­pa­nies Rely too Heav­i­ly on Drain Tile

In the years I have been help­ing north­west Indi­ana home­own­ers with seep­age prob­lems, I have noticed that many small­er base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­nies in the area rec­om­mend drain tile as the answer to every­thing. Got water in your base­ment? Drain tile will fix that!”

Maybe it will, but I won­der if some of these com­pa­nies aren’t doing their cus­tomers a dis­ser­vice by not explor­ing the source of the prob­lem more thor­ough­ly and prepar­ing them­selves to offer the best, most cost-effec­tive solution.

For exam­ple, a home­own­er in Val­paraiso com­plains that he finds water in two places on his base­ment floor after every heavy rain. Base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny A tells him he needs inte­ri­or drain tile installed at a cost of $10,000. Being a cau­tious (and smart) guy, the home­own­er gets a sec­ond opin­ion before com­mit­ting to that expense.

Com­pa­ny B’s advi­sor takes a look at the base­ment and points out to the home­own­er that the water shows up right below the base­ment win­dows and that the cause is more than like­ly a cou­ple of clogged win­dow well drains. He rec­om­mends that they be replaced for a frac­tion of the cost of installing inte­ri­or drain tile (and far less inconvenience.)

Would the rec­om­mend­ed inte­ri­or drain tile have solved this prob­lem? Maybe, but so would tear­ing down the whole house and build­ing a new one. Sounds like both would be overkill and nei­ther would be the right solu­tion for this homeowner.

Please don’t assume any dis­hon­esty or lapse of ethics on the part of Com­pa­ny A in this lit­tle sto­ry. A lot of times, small­er base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tors do one thing real­ly well, usu­al­ly drain tile or crack injec­tion. Because that’s what they know and it works most of the time, that’s what they recommend.

On the oth­er hand, a full-ser­vice base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny will offer a broad range of solu­tions to base­ment water prob­lems and be able to rec­om­mend the one that fix­es the prob­lem with the least dis­rup­tion and at a rea­son­able price. It will have the resources to stay abreast of new tech­nol­o­gy and the expe­ri­ence to iden­ti­fy a prob­lem quick­ly and accurately.

At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we’ve been fix­ing wet base­ments in north­west Indi­ana for more than 30 years and we know the best solu­tion for the typ­i­cal prob­lems that con­front home­own­ers there. So, whether you have a cou­ple of wet spots on the floor in Valpo or a bow­ing con­crete block foun­da­tion in Grif­fith, why not ask for our free advice

Tags: drain tile, exterior drain tile, interior drain tile, northwest indiana basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing northwest indiana

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