U.S. Waterproofing | Chicago Structural Foundation Repair: Permit…

Chica­go Struc­tur­al Foun­da­tion Repair: Per­mit Truth vs. Fiction

May 30, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

Chicago Structural Foundation Repair: Permit Truth vs. Fiction

We’ve all heard the sto­ries about how hard it is for con­trac­tors to work in the city of Chica­go. There’s all the rules, the build­ing codes, the inspec­tors, the per­mits. Oh, boy, the per­mits! Makes you won­der how any­thing gets done, doesn’t it?

I’m not going to try and tell you that work­ing in com­pli­ance with all of the city’s rules and require­ments is sim­ple or easy. It isn’t. How­ev­er, I do have to say that, when approached cor­rect­ly and with advance prepa­ra­tion, it is cer­tain­ly work­able and need not be a bur­den on either the con­trac­tor or the home­own­er. If your con­trac­tor, whether he’s repair­ing your foun­da­tion, water­proof­ing your base­ment or build­ing a deck, starts using the city as an excuse, maybe it’s time to look for anoth­er one who has his act together.

How to Do Struc­tur­al Foun­da­tion Repairs in Com­pli­ance with the City of Chicago

OK, first (and most obvi­ous) things first: If a foun­da­tion repair con­trac­tor sug­gests to you that the work can be done with­out a per­mit or an inspec­tion, run – don’t walk – away from this guy. Skirt­ing the rules is nev­er the way to go and you, the home­own­er will ulti­mate­ly pay the price, whether it’s in fines, stop-work orders or shod­dy results. Don’t even con­sid­er it.

Here are a few oth­er things to consider:

Per­mits are Attain­able and Rea­son­able – Too many con­trac­tors and home ser­vice busi­ness­es tell fables about the per­mit­ting process in Chica­goIt will take too long.” It will cost too much.” It’s impos­si­ble.” Non­sense. The per­mit­ting process exists to ensure that home­own­ers get qual­i­ty work done the right way. There is a cost for a per­mit and there is a process to receive it but any con­trac­tor licensed by the city (anoth­er require­ment, by the way) should be able to nav­i­gate the process in a rea­son­able amount of time and at a rea­son­able cost. If he claims he can’t, maybe he can’t do the work right, either.

Plan­ning and Orga­ni­za­tion Ease the Way – Get­ting a build­ing or ren­o­va­tion per­mit is like any­thing else, the bet­ter you pre­pare, the eas­i­er it is. If a foun­da­tion repair con­trac­tor walks into the Build­ing or Under­ground Depart­ments at City Hall with some pen­cil sketch­es on the back of an enve­lope and a plan based on expe­ri­ence,” the process is going to be rocky right from the start. When he brings in engi­neer­ing draw­ings, a time­line and a repair plan derived from actu­al load and stress cal­cu­la­tions he’s going to have a much bet­ter and eas­i­er time get­ting your permits.

Know What You’re Doing – I know, this sound like do good and avoid evil” but it’s true. If your con­trac­tor doesn’t know the dif­fer­ence between an Easy Per­mit” and Stan­dard Plan Review,” he’s in trou­ble right from the start. Also, knowl­edge of the dif­fer­ent city depart­ments involved in the process, like the Build­ing and Under­ground depart­ments and what role they play in get­ting a foun­da­tion repaired, is absolute­ly essen­tial. In fact, a good foun­da­tion con­trac­tor will know the staff in these offices and what role each per­son plays in the per­mit process. I’m not talk­ing about the old Chica­go nudge, wink and a $20 bill,” either; I mean build­ing a rela­tion­ship based on pro­fes­sion­al­ism, pre­pared­ness and a his­to­ry of good work.

When you, the Chica­go home­own­er, need crit­i­cal repairs to your foun­da­tion, you want a con­trac­tor that won’t waste your time or mon­ey play­ing around with the per­mit­ting process. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, our foun­da­tion repair experts know the ropes and approach each job in Chica­go or else­where with pro­fes­sion­al­ism, sol­id plan­ning and detailed engi­neer­ing stud­ies. We’ll be hap­py to offer you a free con­sul­ta­tion on your foun­da­tion prob­lem and explain our approach to the per­mit­ting process. Just ask.

Tags: structural foundation repair, chicago structural foundation repair, chicago home foundation repair

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