U.S. Waterproofing | Chicago Basement Waterproofing – Knocking the…

Chica­go Base­ment Water­proof­ing – Knock­ing the Competition

Nov 18, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

Chicago Basement Waterproofing – Knocking the Competition

I’m about to give away a big secret of the base­ment water­proof­ing indus­try: The man or woman who comes to your home rep­re­sent­ing a base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor is an expert in diag­nos­ing base­ment water prob­lems but they’re also a salesperson.

Speak­ing for my own com­pa­ny, I can also tell you that a sales­per­son that rep­re­sents us is well-trained in find­ing and diag­nos­ing base­ment water prob­lems and prob­a­bly came to us with a back­ground in con­struc­tion or home inspec­tion or some oth­er relat­ed field.

Not sur­pris­ing­ly, we encour­age our advi­sors to explain to their cus­tomers why we’re the best and give sol­id, quan­tifi­able rea­sons why you should hire us. But, there’s one thing they are for­bid­den to do.

Beware the Sales­per­son That Tries to Win Your Busi­ness by Trash­ing His or Her Competitors!

We have told not only our sales­peo­ple but every­one at our com­pa­ny that we want to con­tin­ue to grow our busi­ness by being the best and most cost-effec­tive, not by slan­der­ing our com­peti­tors. And you, Mr. or Ms. Chica­go home­own­er, should be care­ful of doing busi­ness with any base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny, or any oth­er busi­ness, that tries to win you over by trash­ing oth­er companies.

There’s noth­ing wrong with a fair com­par­i­son of meth­ods, mate­ri­als and prices. In fact, we recent­ly post­ed an arti­cle com­par­ing us to one of our com­peti­tors, but we believe it was fair and hon­est and had noth­ing neg­a­tive to say about the oth­er company

We’ve also writ­ten open­ly on this blog about online reviews and encour­aged con­sumers to use them. We’ve even admit­ted that, while 99% of our reviews online are very pos­i­tive, every once in a while there’s one that’s less than great. One of those reviews, on a pop­u­lar online review site, was writ­ten by some­one who didn’t do busi­ness with us because of what he had been told by a sales­per­son from one of our competitors.

Our advi­sor had been called to the cus­tomer’s Chica­go-area home because he had seep­age in his base­ment from an unde­ter­mined source. As we and many, many oth­er base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­nies nor­mal­ly do in a sit­u­a­tion like this, our rep con­duct­ed a hose test out­side the home and found the source of seepage.

Seek­ing a sec­ond opin­ion, the home­own­er met with a sales­per­son from anoth­er base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor who told him that the hose test didn’t work and would require a truck­load” of water before the leak became notice­able – both state­ments untrue. Then, he did the uncon­scionable and scared this poor home­own­er by imply­ing that the hose test may have done fur­ther dam­age to his foun­da­tion.

I assume our com­peti­tor did the work on this house and that he and his com­pa­ny prof­it­ed from it and I guess that’s good for them. And maybe they even did a great job for this home­own­er – but you have to won­der how they sleep at night if that’s the way they con­duct themselves.

Look, we admit­ted­ly would love to get every job that comes our way and we con­sid­er every yes” a vic­to­ry and every no, thanks” a loss. How­ev­er, we want to get the busi­ness by prov­ing we’re the best and most cost-effec­tive, not by lying about our competitors.

And for you, Chica­go home­own­er, here are the questions:

  • If a sales­per­son is lying to you about the com­pe­ti­tion, what else is he or she lying to you about?
  • If a com­pa­ny isn’t con­fi­dent enough in its own abil­i­ties to be hon­est with you, why should have con­fi­dence in them?

At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we do busi­ness fair­ly and sell our ser­vices on their own mer­its so that you nev­er have to ask those ques­tions about us. Our 55 years in busi­ness and more than 300,000 sat­is­fied cus­tomers speak to that. If you want to know more, just ask for a free con­sul­ta­tion.

Tags: how to choose a waterproofing company, competitors, chicago basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing chicago, basement waterproofing companies, u.s. waterproofing reviews

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