U.S. Waterproofing | Battery Backup Sump Pumps: When Thunderstorms…

Bat­tery Back­up Sump Pumps: When Thun­der­storms Leave You Powerless

Jul 1, 2012 • By Matthew Stock with Andy Bruchman.

Battery Backup Sump Pumps: When Thunderstorms Leave You Powerless

It’s com­ing. You know it is; you can feel it. We’re due for one of those gul­ly-wash­ing sum­mer thun­der­storms with winds that take out trees and pow­er lines. Even small­er storms that affect only a lim­it­ed area can crash the some­what shaky pow­er grid that exists in Chica­go, Mil­wau­kee and else­where in the area.

Exam­ples? The rel­a­tive­ly iso­lat­ed storm this past week­end knocked out pow­er for 250,000 house­holds in the west­ern sub­urbs of Chica­go. Just last week, pow­er failed at Mid­way Air­port, can­celling near­ly 100 flights and strand­ing thou­sands of trav­el­ers. And, if you want to see what can hap­pen when the big one” hits, take a look at the East Coast where the homes with­out pow­er num­ber in the millions.

As for our recent thun­der­storm his­to­ry, look back no fur­ther than last July, when severe thun­der­storms with hur­ri­cane-force winds left near­ly a mil­lion peo­ple in the Chica­go area with­out pow­er, some for days, even weeks. It was the largest pow­er out­age in our his­to­ry that result­ed from a storm.

What Hap­pens to my Home when Pow­er Fails?

Well, you’ll like­ly be bored and hot – there’ll be no TV, no lights, no air con­di­tion­ing. These are only incon­ve­niences; last­ing dam­age to your home can occur if the pow­er fail­ure immo­bi­lizes your sump pump and storm water has nowhere to go besides all over your base­ment floor.

But I have a gen­er­a­tor,” you say. Good plan­ning on your part but, unless you dug deep in your pock­ets for a very cost­ly whole-house gen­er­a­tor, your unit is prob­a­bly capa­ble of han­dling only a cir­cuit or two. How many peo­ple think far enough ahead to include their sump pump’s cir­cuit on a gen­er­a­tor with lim­it­ed capac­i­ty and forego the refrig­er­a­tor or the air con­di­tion­ing? Even if your sump pump is on a gen­er­a­tor cir­cuit that won’t help if it suf­fers mechan­i­cal failure.

Let’s face it, most peo­ple don’t think about their sump pump very much – until it fails. A failed sump pump dur­ing a major thun­der­storm can spell dis­as­ter for your home. If you have a fin­ished base­ment, a dead sump pump can end up cost­ing you thou­sands of dol­lars, the amount it will take to replace car­pet or floor­ing, remove and replace soaked dry­wall and maybe even to replace ruined fur­ni­ture. Even in an unfin­ished base­ment, the loss­es can be major, with stored goods, wash­ers and dry­ers and pow­er tools all vul­ner­a­ble to being destroyed by water.

What Can I do to Pre­vent Base­ment Water Seep­age dur­ing a Storm?

Well, you could up the ante on that gen­er­a­tor but, before you take out a sec­ond mort­gage to pay for it, con­sid­er the much eas­i­er and more eco­nom­i­cal alter­na­tive of installing a bat­tery back­up sump pump.

Although most of us refer to bat­tery” back­up sump pumps, there are actu­al­ly two kinds – those that use a bat­tery only and those that use an AC/DC pow­er sys­tem. Here’s how they differ:

bat­tery-only back­up sump pump is designed to step in when your pri­ma­ry sump pump fails due to a pow­er out­age. It takes over the task of remov­ing storm water from the sump basin and, depend­ing on the type of bat­tery used, will run from 24 to 72 hours. These pumps are great for pow­er out­ages and can save you not only the cost but the work and aggra­va­tion of repair­ing water dam­age in your basement.

An AC/DC back­up sump pump will also func­tion sole­ly on bat­tery pow­er dur­ing an out­age, just like the bat­tery-only pump. How­ev­er, the dual-pow­er vari­ety will also assist your pri­ma­ry pump when the vol­ume of incom­ing water over­whelms its capac­i­ty and the pow­er stays on. These pumps are great for sus­tained peri­ods of rainy weath­er or mega-storms like last July’s. They also extend the life of your pri­ma­ry pump by pre­vent­ing the fre­quent recy­cling that kills elec­tric motors.

So, when you see those dark clouds gath­er and the cat’s hair is stand­ing on end, think about what can hap­pen to your base­ment while you’re run­ning out to close the car win­dows. A back­up sump pump can relieve you of one more wor­ry, so why not set your mind at ease? At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we’ve installed thou­sands of back­up sump pumps and our cus­tomers can rest assured that a pass­ing thun­der­storm won’t endan­ger their base­ments. Why not ask for our free advice on how a back­up sump pump can pro­tect your home dur­ing the worst weath­er the Mid­west has to offer?

Tags: backup sump systems, sump pumps, battery backup sump pumps

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