U.S. Waterproofing | Battery Backup Sump Pump: Why You Need One in…

Bat­tery Back­up Sump Pump: Why You Need One in Your Fin­ished Basement

May 24, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

Battery Backup Sump Pump: Why You Need One in Your Finished Basement

So, you final­ly have the base­ment you’ve always want­ed – fin­ished walls, nice car­pet­ing, big-screen TV, com­fort­able couch. You tell your envi­ous friends, It has every­thing, even a mini-fridge and a framed, signed pic­ture of Mike Dit­ka.”

Sounds great and I’d love to drop by to catch the Bears-Pack­ers game but it doesn’t real­ly have every­thing because I didn’t hear you men­tion a bat­tery back­up sump pump. What’s that, you do have a pri­ma­ry sump pump? I’m sure you do, but what hap­pens when a big sum­mer thun­der­storm knocks out the pow­er and the water keeps run­ning into the sump pit? Or when that old sump pump dies in the mid­dle of the night and you don’t real­ize it until the next rain­storm has already done its damage?

Ruined fur­ni­ture, sog­gy car­pet and wet feet, that’s what.

Look, you’ve invest­ed a lot of time and mon­ey in turn­ing your base­ment into a com­fort­able liv­ing area. Doesn’t it make sense to pro­vide a lit­tle insur­ance for that invest­ment, to take one extra step to ensure that your man cave,” fam­i­ly room or rec room stays dry and safe?

3 Rea­sons to Have a Back­up Sump Pump:

Any­thing Mechan­i­cal Will Fail – it’s just a mat­ter of time. As much as we would like things to last for­ev­er, any­thing with a motor or oth­er mov­ing parts will fail at some point — that’s just a fact of life. Your sump pump is no dif­fer­ent; even the best cast iron pump with the most sophis­ti­cat­ed switch will even­tu­al­ly wear out.

Pow­er Out­ages are Com­mon – espe­cial­ly giv­en the age of the pow­er grid in the upper Mid­west, the fre­quen­cy of heavy thun­der­storms and heavy pow­er demand in the warmer months. How many times have you seen your lights flick­er and die or watched your TV pic­ture dwin­dle to a pin­point as you yelled “@#$%^& power’s out again?”

Yes, You Can Replace a Failed Sump Pump Your­self – but, when it hap­pens in the mid­dle of the night, or while you’re at work or away on vaca­tion, the dam­age to your prized base­ment will be done long before you’ll have the chance. Even if you’re stand­ing right there when the sump pump fails, you still have to go to the store, pick out the right new sump pump, return home, remove the old one and install the new one – and how long will that take? Your base­ment can flood in only two or three hours.

What Will a Bat­tery Back­up Sump Pump Do for Me?

To be hon­est, bat­tery back­up” is some­what of a mis­nomer; while there are back­up sump pumps that run strict­ly on bat­tery pow­er, the more com­mon vari­ety is an AC/DC back­up pump. This pump not only kicks in when the pow­er is out but also when your sump pump suf­fers mechan­i­cal fail­ure or is just plain over­whelmed dur­ing a heavy storm.

Install one of these pumps on a ded­i­cat­ed elec­tri­cal cir­cuit and you’ve cov­ered every base to ensure that your base­ment will nev­er flood due to sump pump fail­ure. Isn’t it worth it to know that you can watch foot­ball, enter­tain guests or just relax in your com­fort­able liv­ing space with­out wor­ry­ing whether you’ll need SCU­BA gear the next time you come down?

The experts at U.S. Water­proof­ing real­ly know back­up sump pumps – we’ve installed thou­sands of bat­tery and AC/DC back­up sump pump sys­tems for many of the 300,000 home­own­ers we’ve served since we were found­ed in 1957. We’d be hap­py to offer some free advice on sump pumps or any oth­er base­ment water­proof­ing issue.

Tags: backup sump systems, sump pumps, battery backup sump pumps, sump pump problems

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