U.S. Waterproofing | Battery Backup Sump Pump: BOSS 2100 Back-up Sump…

Bat­tery Back­up Sump Pump: BOSS 2100 Back-up Sump System

May 28, 2012 • By Matthew Stock with Barry Schilling.

Battery Backup Sump Pump: BOSS 2100 Back-up Sump System

Sump pump expert Bar­ry Schilling cov­ered all the basics of the pri­ma­ry sump pump in a recent series of videos, edu­cat­ing home­own­ers and con­sumers about the design, con­struc­tion and per­for­mance of this impor­tant safe­guard against base­ment water seep­age. That series covered:

In a fol­low-up video, Bar­ry explained how the Storm­Pro SHW50 will keep base­ments dry even dur­ing the heav­i­est rains.

In this video, Bar­ry kicks off a three-part dis­cus­sion of back­up sump pumps, begin­ning with the sim­plest solu­tion – a high qual­i­ty bat­tery back­up pump that works in tan­dem with a homeowner’s plug-in pri­ma­ry pump. He rec­om­mends the best bat­tery-only back­up sys­tem and explains how it should be matched with the pri­ma­ry sump pump.

The Best Bat­tery Back­up Sump Pump: the BOSS 2100

At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we‘ve installed tens of thou­sands of sump pumps (along with thou­sands of bat­tery back-up pumps) since our found­ing in 1957. If we can help you with your sump pump, or any oth­er base­ment seep­age prob­lem, just ask for our free advice.

Tags: backup sump systems, sump pumps, battery backup sump pumps, sump pump installation, sump pump reviews, videos

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