U.S. Waterproofing | Basement Waterproofing Solutions: Plan for your…

Base­ment Water­proof­ing Solu­tions: Plan for your Fin­ished Basement

Aug 23, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

Basement Waterproofing Solutions: Plan for your Finished Basement

So you’ve decid­ed to take the plunge and add some bad­ly need­ed liv­ing space to your home by fin­ish­ing the base­ment. You’ve drawn up a plan, set a bud­get and hired a con­trac­tor. You’re all set.

Not so fast. I didn’t hear you men­tion any­thing about water­proof­ing the base­ment first. Do you real­ly want to spend all that mon­ey on walls, floors and ceil­ings with­out also mak­ing sure that they’re pro­tect­ed from water damage?

If you don’t carve out part of your base­ment remod­el­ing bud­get to make sure the base­ment is pro­tect­ed from seep­age before you fin­ish it, you’re ask­ing for trouble.

What can go Wrong if I Don’t Water­proof my Base­ment Before I Remodel?

We’ve talked a lot in this blog about the var­i­ous sources of water seep­age into your base­ment. It can come through cracks in your foun­da­tion walls or mor­tar joints, over the top of the foun­da­tion, through the cove joint and up through cracks in the floor. Water can also enter your base­ment around bad­ly installed win­dows and win­dow wells and places where util­i­ties, such as water, sew­er and gas pipes and elec­tri­cal ser­vice, pen­e­trate the base­ment walls.

If you have built frame walls around the perime­ter of your base­ment and cov­ered them with dry­wall, water will enter behind the walls, unseen, and begin to soak into any porous mate­r­i­al, rot­ting lum­ber and sat­u­rat­ing dry­wall. Once these organ­ic mate­ri­als become wet, mold begins to grow.

As the seep­age con­tin­ues, floor­ing mate­ri­als like lam­i­nate or car­pet will become sat­u­rat­ed. Tile, either vinyl or ceram­ic, will sep­a­rate from the subfloor.

If the prob­lem gets real­ly bad, fur­ni­ture, appli­ances and elec­tron­ics may suf­fer water dam­age as well.

What can go wrong? Your whole new base­ment space can be destroyed and it is high­ly unlike­ly that the dam­age will be cov­ered by your homeowner’s insur­ance. No more Sun­day foot­ball on the big screen TV from the com­fort of your recliner!

The Smart Remod­el Includes Base­ment Water­proof­ing Solutions

I can’t in good con­science sug­ar-coat this advice: Make a base­ment water­proof­ing pro­fes­sion­al part of your remod­el­ing team. Any good base­ment water­proof­ing com­pa­ny will pro­vide a free assess­ment of your base­ment and an esti­mate to fix any prob­lems they find. Armed with that infor­ma­tion, you can plan your remod­el­ing project know­ing the real cost of achiev­ing a com­fort­able, healthy, dry base­ment that will be use­ful for years to come.

If you do have base­ment seep­age prob­lems, you can fix them per­ma­nent­ly at a rea­son­able cost before the first two-by-four or sheet of dry­wall goes up. 

If you don’t have any water prob­lems and all your water­proof­ing safe­guards are func­tion­ing prop­er­ly, there is still one thing you should con­sid­er. The sump pump is the heart of any base­ment water­proof­ing sys­tem and a key to pro­tect­ing your new invest­ment. Part of the base­ment advisor’s assess­ment will be the age and con­di­tion of the sump pump; you may want to replace it if it’s show­ing signs of wear.

Most impor­tant, though, is that you have a strong, depend­able back-up sump pump, prefer­ably one that oper­ates on AC/DC. Your pri­ma­ry sump pump, being a mechan­i­cal gad­get, will fail when parts break or wear out. Even more like­ly is that a strong thun­der­storm or oth­er event will knock out your pow­er, ren­der­ing even the best pri­ma­ry pump use­less to pro­tect your fin­ished base­ment. An AC/DC back-up will step in, not only dur­ing pow­er fail­ures, but when the main pump fails.

Sor­ry if I came on a lit­tle strong but I’m just try­ing to save you from a cost­ly mis­take that I’ve seen oth­er home­own­ers make in my 30 years as a water­proof­ing advi­sor. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we’ve water­proofed base­ments for more than 300,000 home­own­ers, many of whom now enjoy dry, com­fort­able fin­ished base­ments. Why not ask for our free assess­ment of your basement?

Tags: basement waterproofing solutions, basement waterproofing estimate, finished basement

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