U.S. Waterproofing | Basement Waterproofing Chicago – How North Shore…

Base­ment Water­proof­ing Chica­go – How North Shore Homes are Different

Dec 10, 2012 • By Matthew Stock.

Basement Waterproofing Chicago – How North Shore Homes are Different

Chicago’s North Shore, towns north of the city along Lake Michi­gan, is well-known among movie-goers for the many pop­u­lar films, from Fer­ris Bueller’s Day Off” to Home Alone,” that have been set in its leafy envi­rons. To Chicagoans, it’s the home of North­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty, Ravinia and sports icons Michael Jor­dan and Mike Dit­ka. Locals are attract­ed to the beau­ti­ful old­er homes, great schools and views of the lake.

Great place to live, right? Sure is, but even on the North Shore, base­ments still leak and foun­da­tions still sink just like every­where else. And, many of the things that make the North Shore an attrac­tive place to live and raise a fam­i­ly can make base­ment water prob­lems worse.

Why Base­ment Water­proof­ing on Chicago’s North Shore is Different

The North Shore area has a bit of a split per­son­al­i­ty. Com­mu­ni­ties direct­ly on the lake­front, like Kenil­worth, Glen­coe and Win­net­ka, typ­i­cal­ly have old­er and larg­er homes, many more mason­ry foun­da­tions and a high­er water table due to prox­im­i­ty to Lake Michi­gan. In towns locat­ed west of the Edens Express­way, like Glen­view and North­brook, homes tend to be new­er and more like­ly to have poured con­crete foundations.

In lake­front homes:

Mason­ry Foun­da­tions – Because most of the homes in this area are old­er, some more than 100 years, there are many more foun­da­tions con­struct­ed of con­crete block, brick and stone and even tele­phone tile. Unlike poured con­crete foun­da­tions, mason­ry foun­da­tions are not mono­lith­ic and usu­al­ly crack only in the mor­tar joints, but they present oth­er prob­lems, like dete­ri­o­rat­ing mor­tar, which can be addressed from the out­side, usu­al­ly by apply­ing an exte­ri­or water­proof­ing mem­brane, or inside by installing inte­ri­or drain tile

Old­er Con­struc­tion – Even though the typ­i­cal old­er home on the North Shore is well-main­tained, hous­es still get old and their foun­da­tions dete­ri­o­rate, lead­ing not only to base­ment water prob­lems but struc­tur­al foun­da­tion dam­age. In addi­tion, old­er ter­ra cot­ta pipe, whether used as drain tile or sew­er line, is prone to crack­ing and clog­ging over time unlike the plas­tics used in new­er construction.

High Water Table – One of the main rea­sons for a high lev­el of ground water, known as the water table, is prox­im­i­ty to a body of water. Because homes on the North Shore sit close to the world’s 5th largest lake, water tables are high through­out the area. When fac­tored in with the expan­sive clay soil found through­out the Chica­go area, the hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure result­ing from the high water table is respon­si­ble for many leaky basements.

Fin­ished Base­ments – Because many North Shore home­own­ers look for addi­tion­al liv­ing or recre­ation­al space in their homes, there are many fin­ished base­ments in the area. A fin­ished base­ment doesn’t cause base­ment seep­age but it can com­pli­cate repairs when it occurs. For exam­ple, a home­own­er may choose to install exte­ri­or drain tile, even with its sig­nif­i­cant exca­va­tion and added cost, to avoid tear­ing up a fin­ished base­ment space. It can also be dif­fi­cult to find the source of seep­age in a fin­ished basement.

Homes on the west­ern side of the North Shore have their own com­mon­al­i­ties, a top­ic for a lat­er article.

Regard­less of the rea­son, home­own­ers on the North Shore need the ser­vices of an expert that knows the area when they expe­ri­ence base­ment water prob­lems or struc­tur­al foun­da­tion dam­age. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we have been help­ing home­own­ers keep their base­ments dry and safe in Wil­metteHigh­land Park and Lake For­est and oth­er North Shore com­mu­ni­ties almost since the day we start­ed out in busi­ness. Our experts know the homes, their typ­i­cal base­ment water prob­lems and the best and most cost-effec­tive way to fix them so why not ask for their free advice?

Tags: chicago basement waterproofing, basement waterproofing chicago, basement waterproofing north shore, basement waterproofing wilmette, basement waterproofing highland park, basement waterproofing lake forest

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