U.S. Waterproofing | 3 Secrets of Wet Basement Waterproofing in…

3 Secrets of Wet Base­ment Water­proof­ing in Brook­field, IL 60513

Nov 19, 2013 • By Matthew Stock.

Brookfield Zoo

The vil­lage of Brook­field IL is best known these days as the home of the Brook­field Zoo,” prop­er­ly called the Chica­go Zoo­log­i­cal Soci­ety. The land on which the zoo sits today was donat­ed by a daugh­ter of leg­endary tycoon John D. Rock­e­feller but nei­ther he nor she ranks as the most influ­en­tial per­son in the village’s past.

Samuel E. Gross, one of the first major real estate devel­op­ers in the Chica­go area, bought land and built a rail­road sta­tion in what is now Brook­field, estab­lish­ing the town of Gross­dale in 1889. Gross, a pro­mo­tion­al wiz­ard, offered free rail excur­sions from Chica­go and met prospec­tive home buy­ers at the train sta­tion with a march­ing band and treat­ed them to a pic­nic while mak­ing his sales pitch for land and home construction.

Gross went on to estab­lish the West Gross­dale and Hol­ly­wood sub­di­vi­sions before his luck ran out in the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry. In 1905, tired of Gross’ dom­i­nance, res­i­dents vot­ed to change the town’s name to Brook­field. The train sta­tion, now home to the Brook­field His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety, and many of Gross’ orig­i­nal homes still stand in Brook­field today.

With the broad range of age among Brookfield’s homes, it’s no sur­prise that many of them suf­fer from main­te­nance prob­lems, includ­ing the need for wet base­ment waterproofing.

3 Secrets of Wet Base­ment Water­proof­ing in Brookfield

Just as in near­by LaGrange and River­side, homes in Brook­field are indi­vid­u­al­ly diag­nosed by a pro­fes­sion­al but there are 3 meth­ods of wet base­ment water­proof­ing that usu­al­ly do the job.

1. Crack Repair – The most com­mon source of seep­age in a poured con­crete base­ment is through non-struc­tur­al cracks in the foun­da­tion walls. The best way to seal these cracks is to inject them with expand­ing polyurethane, fill­ing them all the way to the out­side soil. The polyurethane stays flex­i­ble when cured to pre­vent minor foun­da­tion move­ment from re-open­ing the crack.

If the crack is inac­ces­si­ble it can be repaired from the exte­ri­or by dig­ging a small hole next to the foun­da­tion at the site of the crack and fill­ing it with sodi­um ben­tonite clay. The clay forms a pli­able yet per­ma­nent bar­ri­er against water from the pos­i­tive side.”

2. Inte­ri­or Drain Tile – Water often seeps into base­ments through the cove joint or cracks in the base­ment floor, forced through these open­ings by hydro­sta­t­ic pres­sure under the foun­da­tion. Inte­ri­or drain tile, per­fo­rat­ed pipe buried in a bed of washed stone under the base­ment floor, relieves this pres­sure and car­ries ground water to a sump pump to be dis­charged from the house. When installed prop­er­ly, inte­ri­or drain tile doesn’t require maintenance.

3. Exte­ri­or Water­proof­ing – Poured con­crete foun­da­tions can leak over the top of the foun­da­tion wall or through patch­es of porous con­crete; mason­ry foun­da­tion walls can seep water through cracked or dete­ri­o­rat­ing mor­tar joints or porous stone or brick. The best way to stop these leaks is to apply an exte­ri­or water­proof­ing mem­brane to the foun­da­tion walls. The mem­brane, asphalt-mod­i­fied polyurethane applied in a thick coat with a trow­el, cre­ates a per­ma­nent bar­ri­er against fur­ther seepage.

If a large amount of ground water is present, the mem­brane can be aug­ment­ed by installing exte­ri­or drain tile and heavy-duty drainage board to chan­nel water downward.

Regard­less of the best method of repair, a home­own­er in Brook­field who needs wet base­ment water­proof­ing requires the ser­vices of a pro­fes­sion­al base­ment water­proof­ing con­trac­tor who knows the town and its homes. At U.S. Water­proof­ing, we have been water­proof­ing wet base­ments all over Chicagoland since 1957 and have already helped hun­dreds of Brook­field home­own­ers. Why not ask for our free advice?

Tags: wet basement waterproofing brookfield, brookfield wet basement waterproofing

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